Erica Crooks ( puppeteer , cartoon animator , indie filmmaker , cartoonist , satirist , etc ) Check Out more crazy toons & rude puppets on officialericcrooks.weebly.com ericacrooks.weebly.com
Social Media : https://linktr.ee/officialericcrooks

Erica Crooks @officialericcrooks

Age 36, Female

Indie Filmmaker

Joined on 1/6/14

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officialericcrooks's News

Posted by officialericcrooks - November 3rd, 2018



Fred & Byso

Watch Fred's Birthday on Newgrounds :




Fred & Byso was a childhood creation almost as old as The Erica Crooks Show itself but most certainly not the most lasting but almost .

I didn’t complete anything relating to it until 2010 which was the first film project I done since my tragedy in 2009. ( Read Adults Get Bullied Too )


In 2010 , I did a short animated test film and served it as a pilot episode.


In December of 2012 Like The Erica Crooks Show , this too and everything else was rejected

from Comedy Central , [ adult swim ] , and Mondo Media .


Fred & Byso was basically a Ren & Stimpy rip off . And clearly there was this Ren & Stimpy / Rocko’s Modern Life inspiration .

Byso was basically a Stimpy type character and Fred was basically the Ren type character.


In middle school , I was introduced to the software “ Macromedia Flash 5 “ which at the time was the animation software for independent animators for the internet.

John Kricfalusi / Spumco , Newgrounds , Icebox , Jib Jab , Joe Cartoon , Happy Tree Friends , Homestar Runner , etc

All used this software to bring animated cartoons to the internet.

I already knew what the software was , and my middle school happened to have the software strange enough , and I guess I self taught myself how to use it.

I didn’t figure out sound until later and I couldn’t figure out how to export animation properly instead of filming my computer screen with a video camera ( That explains the animation on The Erica Crooks Show from 2006 - 2007 ) until 2008.

And yes , I did finally get my own Flash 5 software !

Today the software is replaced with Adobe Flash as well as a bunch of other better animation software.


I can still remember ideas for episodes that I came up with as a kid.

I remember telling anyone I meet that this would be on TV someday.

And technically anyone can watch youtube videos on their TV so , yeah I guess I accomplished it a little bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrx8QWrWhAc



One episode was going to be called “ Fred Goes Mad “

and basically it was Dr. Jeckle and Mr Hyde and clearly inspired by

a scene from The Ren & Stimpy Show episode “ Stimpy’s Fan Club “

where Ren almost murders Stimpy in his sleep.


Another one was when Fred dies and he was told by the angel at the gate of Heaven that if he decides to be nice to Byso instead of being an abusive jerk , his soul can finally be in peace and welcomed into Heaven.


Another one was Goodbye Byso where Byso gets carried away by the current of the ocean and Fred starts to miss his best friend until Byso finally washes onto shore at an elderly age and still alive and Fred beats up Byso.

Clearly ripping off “ Stimpy’s Big Day “


There was an idea where they go off into space , ripping off “Space Madness “.


Remember I was just a kid coming up with these ideas. And the thing about inspiration is when you have limited inspirations , it’s going to look like a rip off of something else.

Perhaps that’s why adults are slightly better than kids when it comes to this kind of things because they’ve lived life enough to come up with original ideas.

I don’t know. lol


At age 11 , I was up and ready to have my creativity onto mainstream television . At age 18 - 21 , I had my own public access television show . And now at age 30 , I’m a successful independent filmmaker and other stuff.

Today there’s kids with their own youtube channel and smart phones so ,

perhaps it makes the 11 in me slightly jealous because I didn’t have that in my late 1990s childhood. lol


#ericacrooks #fredbyso #fredandbyso #fred&byso #indiefilm #independentfilm #cartoon #animation #animated 


Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/fred-byso/1715759678524743/


Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/179725202361/fred-byso


Blogspot : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2018/11/fred-byso.html


WordPress : https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/2018/11/03/fred-byso/



For more hilarious puppet and cartoon animation parodies , Dark Comedy humor , satires and funny stupid videos for adults

( and other cool stuff )
visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

ericacrooks.com and officialericcrooks.com today !

























Posted by officialericcrooks - November 3rd, 2018

The Eric Crooks Show / The Erica Crooks Show 10/7/99



November 2 2018 Introduction :


I posted this on the old version of officialericcrooks.com talking about probably the earliest archival existence of The Erica Crooks Show that exists . Now remember the show changed to The Erica Crooks Show in mid-2016 so it’s referred to as “ The Eric Crooks Show “ in this article.


I was 11 years old when I written a post on a puppetry newsgroup with my WebTV at the time , and this really goes to show that you never know who your talking to on the internet sometimes. It’s kind of laughable and embarrassing at the same time. A College Student who doesn’t realize they are talking to an 11 year old kid and not a troll. lol


But anyway what’s interesting is , this is the earliest origins of The Erica Crooks Show. I won’t get my public access TV show until 7 years later when I was 18. So it’s a very interesting thing to share in celebration of the 20th anniversary of The Erica Crooks Show I think !


And now the following article ,

_ Erica ( ericacrooks.com / officialericcrooks.com )




In 1999, which was the year that I found out about public access television existed and when I made some home movies of my first puppets which were just my hands with shoelaces around them and a sock, This was the early origins of The Eric Crooks Show. I was only 11 years old and perhaps since the internet was just so new to me that I was quite impulsive. Here's a copy of perhaps my first " welcome world " post on the internet. [ certain names are not mention to protect the legal privacy of the not so innocent ] This was posted in an early puppetry newsgroup.



The Eric Crooks Show Look at this !






E-mail my puppets from The Eric Crooks Show. (The Eric Crooks Show is a

new puppet comedy show.) E-mail these puppets ..


    Barney ( Not the dinosaur)

          Mr. Socky head

          Mr. Stupid head

         Little pink alligator

            Sargent Hand

            Two singing hands 



          Fred the news hand 

           Dick the weather hand 

                  Happy boy

               Post women 


                 Cows & bulls 

                 3 horn Bulls & cows




( Reply from some ..... college student on the internet )






 > E-mail these puppets ..

Ummm, how?  You haven't given their, uh, email addresses...




 >    Barney ( Not the dinosaur)

 >          Mr. Socky head

 >          Mr. Stupid head

 >         Little pink alligator

 >            Sargent Hand

 >            Two singing hands 

 >                 Discoman  

 >                    Alien

Don't suppose that's a xenomorph-type Alien...?




 >          Fred the news hand 

 >           Dick the weather hand 

 >                  Happy boy

 >               Post women 

 >                    Pinky

 >                 Cows & bulls 

 >                 3 horn Bulls & cows

 >                     Vantron







ME again



I'll let you know what chanel it's going to be on .

       E-mail my puppets at ********** The show is going to be taped at Comcast studio .


 Alien is a alien puppet . OK ?


    If you don't Beavene me wait and see .




( that guy who doesn't realizing he's arguing with an 11 year old )







> I'll let you know what chanel it's going to be on .

>        E-mail my puppets at  .................

Ah, there's the missing info.  Now everyone that was poised waiting to email

your puppets can spring into action.




>  The show is going to be taped at Comcast studio .

As in Comcast Cablevision?  So it'll be a cable-access show, or...?




>  Alien is a alien puppet . OK ?

OK.  I was just being cheeky as I'm currently working on a xenomorph-type

Alien puppet (as discussed recently in this newsgroup).  For those that

followed that discussion, stay tuned and I'll post a URL of a webpage

summarizing how the project went when I'm done.




>     If you don't Beavene me wait and see .

Oh, don't worry; we definitely Beavene you.



As a kid, I didn't funny know what I was doing except that I had this bright idea and totally enthusiastic about it and if I knew this guy was sort of mocking me, I would have been really emotionally hurt. But in this case I was a little confused. 

But out of all people who said rotten things about me and my work, this guy was most likely the first where ever the hell he is now and who cares. 


But what I find so funny about this is that this College student with some university email is arguing with an 11 year old. Technology has changed but human beings haven't. Though I'm a person who much prefers to live and let die in the past but since I felt this was not only such a very important piece of perhaps the earliest surviving anything of my earliest works but to show that there was idiots who thought me and my work was stupid before youtube.


Where ever this jackass is now, If he knew, he'd feel the fool of what that message would become 15 years later.


The Eric Crooks Show





Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/the-earliest-surviving-origins-of-the-erica-crooks-show/1715639221870122/


Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/179722078731/the-earliest-surviving-origins-of-the-erica-crooks





For more hilarious puppet and cartoon animation parodies , Dark Comedy humor , satires and funny stupid videos for adults

( and other cool stuff )

 visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

ericacrooks.com and officialericcrooks.com today !
















#ericacrooks #theericcrooksshow #ericcrooks #ericcrooksshow #theericacrooksshow #ericacrooksshow #officialericcrooks #puppetry

Posted by officialericcrooks - November 3rd, 2018

My locial Pride community is also fighting for Trans rights .

So to all fellow Trans people and allies and LGBTQ+ People , I send love to you all.

Peace and Pride ,

_ Erica


Posted by officialericcrooks - November 1st, 2018

Posted by officialericcrooks - October 29th, 2018

Posted by officialericcrooks - October 24th, 2018

The Erica Crooks Show



The Making of The Erica Crooks Show Behind The Scenes :

Puppet Building and Production ( 2015 )


The following features foam caricature puppets of famous people

and is a work of parody / satirical fiction , any similarity beyond parody and satirical caricature is coincidental and unintentional.


Sort of inspired by Mad Magazine and Spitting Image .


Originally seen on officialericcrooks.com in 2015 ,

Erica Crooks herself takes you behind The Scenes of The Erica Crooks Show ( aka The Eric Crooks Show until 2016 ) and the making of a celebrity parody satirical caricature puppet comedy sketch in terms of building new celebrity parody caricature puppets , puppeteering the new puppets and what the final satirical sketch looks life ( after editing and so forth )


For more hilarious puppet and cartoon animation parodies , Dark Comedy humor , satires and funny stupid videos for adults

( and other cool stuff )visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

ericacrooks.com and officialericcrooks.com today !
























Posted by officialericcrooks - October 23rd, 2018



#throwbacktuesday Check out the making of this picture with bloopers and a blog video from ( 2015 ) https://youtu.be/TXn3AQfup6g In response to the worldwide tragic news of Charlie Hebdo shootings #jesuischarlie , An image was created by the satirical puppet show The Erica Crooks Show peacefully standing up for Freedom of Speech.
This footage is Erica Crooks talking about just that.
Originally shown on officialericcrooks.com <http://officialericcrooks.com/> in 2015 .

For more hilarious puppet and cartoon animation parodies , Dark Comedy humor , satires and funny stupid videos for adults
( and other cool stuff )
visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

ericacrooks.com <http://ericacrooks.com/> and officialericcrooks.com <http://officialericcrooks.com/> today !



http://Instagram.com/officialericcrooks/ <http://instagram.com/officialericcrooks/>



https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com <https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/>





http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com <http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com/>




Posted by officialericcrooks - October 22nd, 2018


Hi everyone . Through out my life , I've noticed that Not All Artists are Equal .

Some care about art the most like me , while others don't mind selling out.

Perhaps this will bring interest to all those passionate artists out there . :)

_ Erica


Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/art-vs-business-not-all-artists-are-created-equal/1698500566917321/


Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/179324428176/art-vs-business-not-all-artists-are-created


Blogspot : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2018/10/art-vs-business-not-all-artists-are.html


Wordpress : https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/2018/10/22/art-vs-business-not-all-artists-are-created-equal/



Posted by officialericcrooks - October 21st, 2018


( My brief cameo in the anti-Trump satire puppet short film “Send Me To Jail” ( 2017 ) )


For all those fellow Transgender artists out there , you too probably have heard the news about Trump being transphobic. I'm a Transgender Woman myself so I know what it's like. In my satirical art , I tend to not only bring awareness about injustices but also to bring light entertainment and good the the world.

There's a quote I can relate to which goes like this. " Art Should Disturb The Comfortable , And Comfort the Disturbed. " So in these rough times , it relates just the same. :) _ Erica ( ericacrooks.com / officialericcrooks.com



Posted by officialericcrooks - October 21st, 2018

The Erica Crooks Show Halloween 2018 ( a 1 Minute Halloween Satire / Parody Comedy Halloween Special Show Thing )


" For those who remember , I've done two Halloween Shows in 2006 and 2007. I'm a fan of The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror specials so that probably inspired me to do a similar tradition. Special episodes like that tend to be very tough for me , same with plot shows which is probably why I either abandon such projects or I start one and have a hard time finishing it for whatever reason and just shorten it. 

There was this short under 10 minute Halloween cartoon around 2010 / 2011 that was never seen except a few friends privately at a home halloween party ( if I want to call it that lol ) ,  I did but it got trapped in a dead hard drive which I don't know if I still have or I deleted it by mistake thinking it was just a draft.

I did have plans for a Halloween Special in 2015 which ended up being sort of a disaster because I was filming the making of the special at the same time and trying to beat the clock last minute a month or two ahead of time , just me doing it as usual. And footage was filmed and a sound track was recorded but I just ran out of time. lol The footage unfortunately got on the same files and stuff with the making footage and the audio I found recently so maybe eventually I do something with that on a later date . All I ended up editing I uploaded awhile back and they weren't even Halloween themed sketches. It was a Newscaster cold opening , a Westboro Baptist Church satire and Con & Spy Rotten going to the Time Out Room.

This time was similar to the 2015 show where I was trying to push myself to do a full legnth thing but ended up running out of time. A longer soundtrack was recorded which I'll probably do something with at later times. And I just didn't have time to compose music or sound effects . Plus I've been having some major technical difficulties with my computer so perhaps it's time to save for a new one. lol

So I decided to just take the remaining footage and turn it into this one minute thing , which is mixed with Halloween themed stuff / parodies / satires / pop culture topical gags / Which is clearly inspired by the tombstone gags from the early Classic Simpsons Treehouse of Horror specials. lol But my own spin on it I suppose.

It is what it is so ether way , Happy Happy Halloween ! :) _ Erica

( Mature Audiences Only ! )

For more hilarious puppet and cartoon animation parodies , Dark Comedy humor , satires and funny stupid videos for adults
( and other cool stuff ) visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :
ericacrooks.com and officialericcrooks.com today !








#ericacrooks #Halloween #halloween2018 #satire #darkhumor #darkcomedy #darkhumour #parody #popculture #parodies #satirehumor #slapstick #politicalsatire #ericacrookshalloween #cartoon #cartoons #animated #animation #cartoonanimation #cartoonanimated #funny #lol #hilarious #lolz #humor #humour #comedy #funnyhalloween #halloweencomedy #adultcartoonanimation