I wanted to take this opportunity to share this very blog post to the creative community.
I have a feeling that Internet Capitalism is getting worse which is preventing working class artists and creative content creators in many ways.
There was even an article of well known YouTubers getting burned out. There's many that sell out once they become famous. But when fame comes and goes , then what ?
Also in my blog video , I examine a special aspect of the art in the 1960s which I think needs to be applied more and more. Technically it already has but perhaps artists need to get a little more braver.
Art shouldn't be a capitalist product, art should be expression shared with the world. It's a form of communication !
" Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed " !
Internet Capitalism : Selling Out on YouTube and social media
Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/internet-capitalism-selling-out-on-youtube-and-social-media/1762508547183189/
WordPress : https://wordpress.com/post/officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/181
Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/180908868046/internet-capitalism-selling-out-on-youtube-and
Blogger : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2018/12/internet-capitalism-selling-out-on.html