INFP Social Anxiety or Crazy World ?
In this blog post I would like to talk about the subject of having the INFP personality type and social anxiety.
Before I begin , I just want to thank fellow INFPs for taking time to read my blog posts and or watching my INFP blog videos as well as my other things ( or probably not lol ) .
Even though I’m all for wanting to build an online community , I do apologize for the lack of not answering back. Eventually I will. My previous blog post explains about that and kind of relates to what I’m talking about in this very blog post.
For many years I thought I was an ENFP.
But maybe this is just my observation or not but I tend to notice that life circumstances
tend to show me aspects of myself that trigger me and eventually make me learn something valuable about myself in which maybe I wasn’t self aware about enough ?
In the case of realizing that I’m an INFP and not an ENFP is that Extroverts feel comfortable in public where introverts do not.
I know I seem so social in my blog posts. I tend to push myself to do blog videos and trying to make it as authentic and as positive as I possibly can.
There are some INFP vloggers ( video bloggers ) that tend to come off
Much more extroverted in their videos but behind the scenes they are indeed introverts.
I’ve noticed this in areas of interest such as New Thought / New Age Spirituality and even Libertarian Socialist Anarchism / Anarcho-Communism.
Same goes with artists from Jim Henson to John Lennon .
As long as we stand by strongly for what we believe in and what we do , that tends to give us strength.
In many ways , lots of people or should I say most tend to be isolated from one another.
With the things I’m into
MBTI , Law of Attraction , Libertarian Socialist Anarchism
They all seem to connect in such a way which can be beneficial to INFPs and related personality types or perhaps humanity and Earthlings as a whole !
I most certainly hope that people don’t think I’m a hypocrite , someone who says one thing and does another. For example online I can be extremely expressive with my words , blog videos and even my art. But when it comes to an active offline protest even if it’s a cause that benefits me and I care for dearly , I tend to take a step back automatically.
Likewise I had film screenings of my work.
One in 2015 and the other in 2017.
And even though I upload them to the internet uncensored ,
I tend to edit my work to a more PG rating and self censor myself.
The 2017 screening backfired on me as someone walked out totally pissed off where the other only stayed for about 15 minutes. The film wasn’t fully screened as I requested the projectionist early on to turn off the film if not many people showed up to the screening.
As you already know , I tend to talk a great deal about self confidence.
And perhaps a great deal of my lightworker mission not only relates to letting like minded people know that “ You Are Not Alone in this crazy world “ but also they were sane this whole entire time.
I know exactly how it feels to second guess.
This could explain why it took me so long to come out of the closet.
What I teach on my blogs and blog videos helped me be more aware of myself as well as the world around me. The internet helped me out , so perhaps what I do is also giving back in a similar matter to like minded people , even feeling that perhaps in some part of the world there could be another INFP who’s went through similar things I have.
Please allow me to summarize what these things mean to me.
( 1. MBTI : It has helped me learn about why I am so different from the world around me as well as why others are different from me. Also who are the kinds of people I get along with best and those I would get along with most. Not only a great personal growth tool , but social survival as well. Only if most people knew , perhaps we would have less conflicts and loneliness in this world and more understanding of one another. Isabel Briggs Myers was also an INFP .
And of course these articles explain why the world around me just does not feel like home.
( 2. Law of Attraction / New Thought & New Age Spirituality / Twin Flames :
Since 2007 I have been aware that I have a Twin Flame and in December of 2015 I meet my Twin Flame face to face. It’s still a soulmate paranormal phenomenon I am investigating daily and nightly for 12 years and continuing.
Perhaps it has lead me to everything.
It’s just good to know that I can create my own reality.
It’s in the matter of getting the balance on everything.
( 3. Libertarian Socialist Anarchism / Anarcho-Communism
I feel this is the piece of the puzzle of life that many Law of Attraction teachers tend to be ignorant of
as well as Law of Attraction is something very important which Anarchists tend to mistake as being hierarchical nonsense because it can’t be proven by science fully.
Telepathy has though !
To me , it’s either the blueprint INFP Heaven on Earth Utopia or perhaps A Heaven on Earth Utopia for all
And 5D Earth as well.
I think there’s strong similarities.
I feel the best way to go about all of these is to educate and if most people knew about this , then the majority rules and hierarchy comes down.
Though sometimes I tend to question something with two questions relating to the same thing.
Is hierarchy ignorant or fully self aware of the evil they do to people ?
Are sensors ignorant of what’s going on or do they simply do not mind a hierarchical system and feel fully comfortable .
Or are certain personality types such as INFP and related types more closer to the pure divine soul spirit while other personality types are negative manifestations due to authoritarian parenting ?
I do feel that society as we know it at the time I’ve written this is very Extroverted Sensor catered.
And hierarchy does more damage then good for everyone , especially other INFPs and like minded personality types.
I’ve even expressed my concern regarding how psychiatry could easily diagnose introverted intuitives , NPs , and FPs WITH SOMETHING !
And I am not alone in this !
But that’s the very note I want to strike at.
Even though I’m not alone which proof is obvious thanks to internet technology.
In truth , nothing is going to happen positively if he have hierarchy dominating the world .
Perhaps it’s a battle of Good vs Evil / Soul vs Ego / Love vs Fear .
Perhaps it’s the very reason why Anarchists , High Vibrational Spiritual New Ager Empaths and like minded personality types need to stick together.
Perhaps it’s not even my social anxiety.
The world is like a giant oil spill. The Oil being Fear and Hate.
And Love and Intelligence from like minded people is the only chance we GOT !
In my opinion , I would rather listen to intellectual philosophical wisdom then someone in a position of power and authority superiority over me.
_ Erica
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