Erica Crooks ( puppeteer , cartoon animator , indie filmmaker , cartoonist , satirist , etc ) Check Out more crazy toons & rude puppets on officialericcrooks.weebly.com ericacrooks.weebly.com
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Erica Crooks @officialericcrooks

Age 36, Female

Indie Filmmaker

Joined on 1/6/14

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officialericcrooks's News

Posted by officialericcrooks - December 15th, 2018

Funniest Puppet Shows in Television and Film

Funniest Adult puppet shows on television and film motion pictures web comedy pop culture list

Funniest Puppet Shows on Television & Film by Adult Puppeteer and Puppet Indie Filmmaker Erica Crooks


#puppet #puppets #puppetry #puppetshow #puppetshows #funnypuppet #funnypuppets #comedypuppet #comedypuppets #popculture #funnypuppetshow #funnypuppetshows #adultpuppetry #adultpuppetshow #puppetshowforadults #funnypuppetcomedy #funnycomedypuppets #comiccon #funniestpuppetshows #cartoon #cartoons #animation #animated #television #movies #moviereviews #comedy #humor #satire #darkcomedy

Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )

- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults
- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP
* LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )
* Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds
* New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth
* Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism )
* Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation

visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

Personal Website : ericacrooks.com
Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com

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Posted by officialericcrooks - December 14th, 2018

INFP vs The World

INFP vs The World



Life can seem like a confusing place.

And as for me , the confusion that I most certainly see is “ Hey , I found some brilliant ideas for world peace. Why are they always dismissed ? “


Libertarian Socialist Anarchism / Anarcho-Communism

Myers Briggs Personality Types

New Thought / New Age Spirituality


Most people just dismiss the mess of the world with an indifferent perspective and say “ That’s life , it is what it is , might as well make the best of it. “ on one hand , then you have all sorts of political ideologies which can clearly be matched to personality type.



Today I’d like to examine some personality theories with you.

Perhaps some questions for discussion.


Now is it true that some personality types can be born this way while others might be the manifestation of authoritative upbringing as well as gens ?


Are iNtuitives smarter than sensors ?





Or is it just iNtuitives letting out steam for being minorities in a sensor majority world ?



Is everyone secretly INFP ? Or is this a nightmare world for the INFP to work their Lightworker mission until their life on Earth is complete ?


I have mentioned that perhaps there are a certain group of personality types or is INFP the closest to have their head in the clouds and the type to not have their feet on the ground so much as other types do ?


And as an Anarchist , just what personality types are responsible for the hierarchical world we live in ?


Is the whole “ iNtuitive Bias / Sensor Bias “ nothing more but hierarchy and oppression fighting against one another and the way to end it is to end hierarchy itself ?





Currently I’ve been doing some research as well as every single day and night for 12 solid years and continuing working on my Twin Flame Union .









And according to Twin Flames 11:11

Sometimes when Twin Flame pairs are both reincarnated onto Earth ,

One would be more material focused and the other would be more spiritually focused ( Me ).


And in my recent Twin Flame update ,

I mentioned that maybe perhaps my Twin Flame is a Sensor. Specifically an ESFP .

I’m an INFP myself .



Also Twin Flames 11:11 has posted this recent meme



What Cassady is referring to is known as The Twin Flame Mirror !





I highly recommend her Twin Flame videos too.




So is this related to iNtuitives vs Sensors ?







For all those INFPs and iNtuitives out there ,

Perhaps you’ve seen this meme and perhaps it cracked some of you up

Because you can relate to it on a deep level.

I know I can.

Or maybe not laughed with it so much , but perhaps (hashtag ) METOO !


This is such an INFP meme !

And perhaps it’s relating to my mission in life. Hi my name is Erica

And let me tell you about myself , can you relate to me ? You are not alone. :)



But even Greg of in5D mentioned that some people would get left behind in a 5D Earth.



So here’s a point I’d like to bring about.



Say we took a look at all the personality types ,

And let’s measure those types that are most closest and open minded to love and those that are not.


Perhaps people look at love differently. So is Twin Flames a cheat sheet to turn an sensor into an iNtuitive ? Or maybe it’s just Good Ol’ LOVE POSION NUMER 9 !


HIT IT ! A one … a two .. a one , two , three , four !





Fellow Twin Flames , only if we could buy a bottle of love potion number 9 instead of getting ripped off my con-artists or real Twin Flame with overly expensive products such as $500 for some PDF files and mp3 meditations.




Anyway let’s go onto the other half of a similar matter.

Authoritarian personality.

Relating , one of the things that Cassady of Twin Flames 11:11 said that I thought was interesting was “ Hurt people , hurt people “ . And I’ve heard other similarities .

Like “ Those who hurt others , hurt themselves. “ ( That one was from Jim Henson’s Tale of The Bunny Picnic ) .

The reason why I wanted to talk about it was there’s those damn PragarU stinky fascist juck-juck videos disguised as adverts that keep getting popped up before Anarchist videos . Not as violent as the Alt-right vs Antifa but still .

It’s a good thing I knocked the piss out of them earlier.



But here’s what interesting.

So the founder Pragar himself was talking about “ FEARING the LEFT ! “

Well , that’s the only thing Pragar got right ! FEARING THE LEFT !



Is it nothing more but authoritarian brainwashing ?





Without all the info on personality types out there and I’ve done my share of research.

Even though I said perhaps there isn’t an evil personality type , it’s not really the who but the what meaning “ hierarchy “


Guess what ?


I have a question.


What if you CAN’T separate them.


And if they did change for the better , would it be as accurate as

Say “ An ESTJ “ happy or would their personality type

Change radically !


Don’t you find it weird that certain types cognitive functions reversed resembles their worst

enemy ?


For example , INFP with cognitive functions reversed equals to an ESTJ


ENFP reversed is ISTJ


INTP reversed is ESFJ


INTJ reversed is ESFP


INFJ reversed is ESTP


ENTJ reversed is ISFP


ENFJ reversed is ISTP


And ENTP reversed is ISFJ



So speaking of personality type and mirrors , are we fighting the duality mirror ?


Or is it like The Dark Crystal where the Skeksis and Mystics are actually two sides of the same whole and end up turning into http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/UrSkeks



But if personality types do merge , again , it might sound like a crack pot conspiracy theory or just intuitive thinking or both but …

Again , does that prove that everyone is secretly INFP ?







( My hit INFP spiritual videos )



So , is that the purpose of life is for the INFP to inspire positively ?


Maybe this isn’t even included in the INFP survival guide




_ Erica


Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )


- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )
Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds
New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth
Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism )
Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation




visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :


Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com


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Posted by officialericcrooks - December 14th, 2018

Before I begin , I just wanted to explain why I wanted to share this on my newgrounds blog.

As an artist as well as a technology buff , I feel that anarchism is the ultimite solution in terms of

funding future projects and stuff. But my own political beliefs and this is my journal , so be it.

_ Erica


The Future of Luxury Living under Anarchism


Don’t worry this is not supporting anarcho-capitalism which isn’t even anarchism at all.


If you’re an average Joe or Jane or person , perhaps you only see Trump as this fascist bully who’s president of the United States of America. Perhaps you might have known that Trump was hated for many years before being President Chump as this rich glutton , how did he get rich ? Research the Trump Organization and prepared to be brainwashed into Luxury living.

Don’t worry , by no means is this a pro-Trump blogger and I already knew many people stop reading at this point. But putting all satire aside , let me talk about this some more.


Perhaps you might not know this about me but I’m actually a sucker when it comes to luxury anything. I see creative architectural beauty . In fact when I got into The Secret ( Law of Attraction / New Thought & New Age Spirituality ) , this was totally on my vision board.

“ If I were rich , what kind of a life would I live. “

So of course I read Bob Proctor , Joined the Bob Proctor Streaming Club and Six Minutes To Success and since I was a member , I was automatically a part of the referral program .

I didn’t think it was but I don’t know , is it a source of MSI ( Multiple Source of Income ) or just a get rich pyramid scheme ?

Just the idea that I was paying $200 a month from 2012 - 2013 / 2014 and

The idea if someone got into it , then I pay less so I can enjoy it more ,

Plus earn an income for my education !

I didn’t become an anarchist until 2017 ,

But I was always a leftist even if I was ignorant.

Besides , I sucked at business. Which as an anarchist now , I don’t regret.

I was an artist first and foremost , perhaps into philosophy which is what got me hooked in.

Bob Proctor is a great iNtuitive that’s into philosophy , New Thought Spirituality , and self esteem . It’s just capitalism is NOT how you get rich.

Bob Proctor has said “ It’s not about the money “ and “ you were born rich “ , which is true.

But when I became an anarchist , knowing that anarcho-communism is so rich , it would make every single wealthy person in the world crap themselves whatever their reaction may be.


So the question is this ,

Is it wrong for an anarchist to enjoy the beauty of luxury ?

I don’t think so.

The problem is not luxury , it’s capitalism.

Likewise I struggled to become a Vegan many times in my life and even today it’s just impossible.

Vegan food to me is absolutely disgusting.

And please don’t put a picture of a cute fuzzy animal in front of my face while I’m eating and scream at me with a megaphone saying “ FOOL , YOUR EATING THAT POOR DEFENSELESS CREATURE ! “

To me that’s not how to go about breaking the food chain.

I would be more than happy to become Vegan if Vegan food wasn’t absolutely disgusting and literally with no exaggeration at all “ MAKE ME SICK ! “


I’ve read about Anarcho-Transhumanism



And it sounds to me like a high-tech Anarchism where anything with creativity and technology is possible and it’s right up my ally of interests.


Non-Compete has mentioned the subject of art and science in a video which I highly recommend fellow readers to watch.



Also it can help fellow Transgender people too.


Perhaps they can invent the future of food where we don’t hurt animals and we get the tastes we desire and we never gain weight. lol

Sure there’s law of attraction too and the author of The Secret talks about it ( Book and Audiobook versions only , not in The Secret movie ) .


Anyway , in a similar way , I see a rich world , I vision a wealthy world for everyone when it comes to Anarcho-Communism .


Anytime you look up luxury living and high tech smart houses ,

Know that every person on this planet can have this without working their butt off , slaving 9-5 at some soulless job ,

It can exist but only with the help as many people as possible.

This is just one of the many reasons why I strongly support anarchism.


I strongly feel that anarchism knows a way to a better world ,

It just needs support from as many people as possible.


Most people complain about the same injustices and pains in life if you look at the whole big picture , but I feel anarchism has the answer.


Perhaps what stops people is fear.


It’s time to build the new world in the shell of the old.



_ Erica


For more info about anarchism check out The Anarchist FAQ






Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )


- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )
Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds
New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth
Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism )
Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation




visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :


Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com


Also Like , Subscribe , Notification Bell thingy , etc


Facebook: http://facebook.com/officialericcrooks


YouTube : http://youtube.com/user/officialericcrooks


Instagram : http://Instagram.com/officialericcrooks/


Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/


Blogger : http://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/


WordPress: https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com


Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks


Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com/follow


Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/user/officialericcrooks/1


Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/officialericcrooks


Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com


Vine: https://vine.co/u/1257143407999610880


Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/officialec1/


Twitter: http://twitter.com/crooks_erica


#anarchotranshumanist #anarchotranshumanism #anarchocommunism #anarchocommunist #money #rich #luxury #capitalism #anticapitalism #anticapitalist #trump #lifestyle #vacation #holiday #weahty #prosperity #prosperous #wealth #lawofattraction #loa #manifestation #manifest #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #transgender #antitrump #impeachtrump #life #workingclass






Posted by officialericcrooks - December 13th, 2018

Hi everyone , if your looking for GIFs of my work , here they are :) https://giphy.com/channel/ericacrooks _ Erica

Posted by officialericcrooks - December 12th, 2018

One of the things I often talk about my blogs is Anarchism and Spirituality. 

If you're interested in more of my blog posts , check out the following.






Here's my blog post where I talk about how Anarchy and Satire are NOT Bad spiritually


I’m here to explain my defence on Libertarian Socialist Anarchism / Anarcho-Communism as well as being a satirist in terms of how it is a force of love instead of a force of fear and hate.


As you might already know , since 2016 I have been working on something other then the content that I create meaning my Twin Flame Union. And the only way Twin Flames can get together is if they are in 5D vibrational energy 24/7 meaning being happy.

And perhaps I am at least what I’m aware of consciously , however if you’ve read my book https://www.officialericcrooks.com/adults-get-bullied-too.html relating to the abuse I’ve received from 4 people in 2009 , can you blame me if I admitted that I have a mild case of PTSD ( stress / anxiety / depression ) ?


Sure anyone who’s a sociopath would eat that up like a shark to a fish.

But don’t you know that some of the greatest minds have gone through similar stuff ?


Rachel Maddow ( has depression ) , Libertarian Socialist Rants opened up as well as Non-Compete and ContraPoints , and even the final moments of Jim Henson’s and Tex Avery’s life .

How can I judge , I can’t , if anything , I send my love to them spiritually ( aka ME TOO ! ) .


There’s LGBTQ+ people especially transgender people who commit suicide and or got murdered. Ever heard of The Brendan Teena Story that got turned into a movie “ Boys Don’t Cry “ ?


I’ve mentioned this before and I’ll say it again. Sometimes I feel The Law of Attraction is taught wrong in terms of simplifying it too much and even marketing it towards people who accept this hierarchical system as normal.


Sure we can manifest money out of thin air , but Bob Proctor has said that he doesn’t believe that.


But here’s a point I’d like to make.


Am I hypocritical ? Do I say one thing and do another ?

Is Anarchism and Satire negative energy ?


I don’t think so , so let’s talk about this some more shall we ?



Say if a doctor liked this patient , and this patient was diagnosed with Cancer and this doctor gets triggered negatively because they feel bad for this patient. Maybe they are even an empath ? What should this doctor do ?

( 1. Be polite to them and get a job as a doctor somewhere else so they don’t hurt the patient’s feelings and at the same time get away from negative energy all together ?

OR ….

( 2. Take personal responsibility for their emotional reaction and do some shadow work. And as soon as they have self-helped themselves spiritually , they will get strength and get back to work.


The doctor could either focus on the sadness of the patient or visualize through The Law of Attraction how happy they will feel for the patient that they helped them with a form of treatment for their cancer that works for now.


Now let me explain something about myself. Now say someone seen my work officialericcrooks.com and thought my satire or promoting anarchism was very offensive and they want to stop me out , well like the book title “ What you think of me is none of my business “ .

In other words , I’m not saying don’t listen to constructive criticism. I’m just saying know your sources in terms of where they are coming from. Do they get what you are trying to do and do they know of a better approach ? You have the choice to agree or disagree because you know you more than anyone else. You are not hurting yourself or anyone so no problem. However these critics beg to differ.


Again if you intentionally or unintentionally triggered them , this is something that they need to take responsibility like the doctor example that I just gave.



Now having a Twin Flame is slightly different. On one hand , perhaps there’s inner demons that my Twin Flame needs to face. But perhaps I do too ! Meaning building more and more self confidence relating to romantic relationships .

Starting next year , the last relationship I ever had was 9 years ago and I’m still a virgin.

So maybe that says something that I need to get some more confidence , maybe.

When it comes to Twin Flames , there’s unconscious karma from past lives and the whole point is , just keep up your high vibration meaning “ Think Positive “ as much as you can.



Now here’s something interesting. On the one hand there’s the individual responsibility which is taught in New Thought Spirituality Law of Attraction as Like energy attracts like energy through just thoughts and feelings.


However , anyone could use Law of Attraction. A Capitalist Hierarchical Authoritarian Totalitarian Fascist Bully could even use Law of Attraction , and think what they are doing is positive because it makes them feel good hurting innocent people.

However they are still in a low 3D vibrational energy. And Karma will kick them in the butt some how.


Likewise , There could be someone who believes in Law of Attraction that’s liberal even though they are apolitical. But here’s the point I’d like to make.



Saying that Law of Attraction on an individualist perspective could be your Game Genie , However not everyone would seem interested in knowing the truth around them.


The Teachers of The Secret are pretty much pro-capitalism . And what’s strange is there’s this right wing vibe I get from some teachers when it comes to capitalism , and from 2012 - 2017 , I believed it unfortunately. OH people are homeless because they are sad but once they use The Law of Attraction , they won’t be poor anymore.


On one hand , the vibrational energy of like attracts like is true , at least to me. Because most people don’t know about Law of Attraction but it works for everyone because of what’s on their mind.


OK , so is Anarchism negative ?

I don’t think so. I feel the soul is liberating and most New Thought / New Age Spiritual People and Empaths will agree and call anything that’s not made of love as human blockages that need to go away.


So what I’m trying to say is , If we keep up this individualist mindset that negative people are like that because they choose to stay negative , that’s only part of the problem ok NOT ALL OF IT !


Abraham Hicks once said that the victim who was murdered somehow attracted it with their fear and the disaster before hand was in vibrational match to such fearful thoughts.


So let’s translate this another way. Those who are brainwashed by the hierarchical system we live in ( The State , Capitalism , Fundamentalist Right Wing Religion , Dictators , Fascism , Right Wing politics and it’s voting supporters , etc ) is a vibrational match because people allowed themselves to be brainwashed without seeing the truth of what was going on. Same goes with Narcissistic Supply or people who believe in Trump’s hateful lies.


However If we liberate from that knowing the truth that hierarchy is unjustified and therefore needs to go , is that negative ?



So , what should we do about it ?



Here’s the unfortunate thing about life.

When you were a kid , I’m sure you’ve watched movies where at the very end the villain becomes good at the end.

And of course with this holiday season at the time I’m writing this ,

The Christmas Carol and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas are also examples of that.

And perhaps that is what we all wish in our hearts , we all wish it can be that simple.


“ Trump , what you are saying is not nice. “ “ I know , I’m sorry. I’ll try to be more understanding and watch myself before I make inappropriate actions like I am. “


Nope , Trump isn’t like that. Lol



However here’s another thing New Thought / New Age Spiritual people and empaths as well as Anarchists can agree upon , The problem is the who but the what !


Anarchists call it hierarchy , Spiritual people call it low vibrational frequency negative energy.


Same thing.






Whatever you call it , it does not feel good , you know in your mind / body / soul that it’s not right and it needs to stop !




But how ?



Well that’s where the different prospectives come about.



( 1. Black Blocks / Antifa go out and kick ass because they are as angry as hell and they want to show this to everyone that “ NO , IT IS NOT OKAY ! WE KNOW THE TRUTH AND ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ! WE WANT TO GOVERN OURSELVES AND IF YOU TRY TO STOP US , YOU WILL GET HURT ! AND IF YOU HURT MY LIKE MINDED PEOPLE , YOUR GOING TO GET THE PAIN BACK TWICE AS HARD ! “


( 2. A Satirist can have a similar anger , but they know with their creative talent they can bring awareness , kick the piss out of those who deserve it , and heal with laughter and or entertainment to their fellow like minded people. “ Art Should Disturb The Comfortable , And Comfort The Disturbed. “

As well as doing a similar situation like the teachers of The Secret except not being a capitalist about it and bringing awareness to the people. “Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon You Can Use TO Change The World.” _ Nelson Mandela .

This is where I’m at *


( 3. You can ignore anything that’s not relating to you because that’s their problem and not yours and your just gong to focus on creating your own life. ( This is the vibe that I’m getting from a lot of teachers of Law of Attraction ) .






But here’s the thing. I have a heart for my like minded people , and when I can not be of practical use , I send my love to spiritually. I do want to see an Anarchist Society and a 5D Earth because such political / philosophical principles I strongly agree too and makes sense to me more than the hierarchical system we are all slaved to.

New Thought / New Age Spirituality is right in terms of us having the ability to create our own happiness in life just by keeping up a great mode and being a satirist having a sense of humor can be a great survival tool !


And if New Thought / New Age Spiritual People disagree with me , then what about the Heyoka Empath ? https://www.think-aboutit.com/7-signs-of-a-sacred-clown-heyoka-wisdom-the-healing-trickster-shaman/



What about Anti-Capitalist New Ager’s who are left wing and are aware of The New World Order ( similar to what Anarchists know ) ?





What about Old Souls , Starseeds , etc ?



Lightworkers who are mad as hell but have a strong loving heart ?



Are these connected strongly to INFPs ? Are INFPs Lightworkers With a Mission ?




So as you can clearly see , there’s more than what most New Age / New Thought Spiritual People are teaching.





As well as how politics don’t want you to know that there’s more than two choices politically.





Negativity is just WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL BAD ,




And what makes you feel crappy , perhaps others don’t feel the same way or they are indifferent about it.


But on a Law of Attraction point of view , it really depends on the individual.


As for Twin Flames out there , Cassady Cayne already pointed out that Twin Flames have the key , it’s just about forgiving your Twin Flame from whatever they did to hurt you and just enjoy the feeling of love , even if it’s telepathy. If that’s how I meet my Twin Flame , that’s probably how I’m going to Unite with my Twin Flame.


Great website by the way.




So in conclusion , no I do not think Libertarian Socialist Anarchism / Anarcho-Communism and Satire is negative energy. To me , it speaks to me and my like minded people on a spiritual way.


Perhaps it’s good to meditate and shield our energy every once in awhile. We’re all in this together. You are not alone .


_ Erica





Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )


- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )
Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds
New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth
Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism )
Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation




visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :


Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com


Also Like , Subscribe , Notification Bell thingy , etc


Facebook: http://facebook.com/officialericcrooks


YouTube : http://youtube.com/user/officialericcrooks


Instagram : http://Instagram.com/officialericcrooks/


Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/


Blogger : http://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/


WordPress: https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com


Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks


Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com/follow


Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/user/officialericcrooks/1


Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/officialericcrooks


Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com


Vine: https://vine.co/u/1257143407999610880


Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/officialec1/


Twitter: http://twitter.com/crooks_erica


#infp #infps #twinflame #twinflames #heyoka #oldsoul #spiritualanarchist #spiritualanarchism #newage #newthought #lawofattraction #spirituality #anarchism #energy #positiveenergy #negitiveenergy #soulvsego #egovssoul #love #good #life #manifest #manifestation #thesecret #loa #likeattractslike #lovehealsfearkills #politics #peace #uncondictionallove



Posted by officialericcrooks - December 9th, 2018

People pretty much already know this especially with the links on my Newgrounds account but

just a friendly reminder ( aka welcome to the internet ) .


Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )

check out the following


Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com


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Posted by officialericcrooks - December 9th, 2018


Posted by officialericcrooks - December 8th, 2018

Posted by officialericcrooks - December 7th, 2018

For all those pop culture fans out there ,

Here's my favorite Christmas specials and stuff !

Maybe there's some that's your favorites too !


Funny Christmas Comedy Favorites


( as of December 7 2018 )


It’s holiday time once again and in no order , I’d like to talk about some of my all time favorite Christmas Comedy Funnies !




( 1. Twisted Christmas by Bob Rivers







I can’t believe this 1988 album is 30 years old , probably because it’s as old as me.

This is totally going to show my age but I grew up when movies where on VHS tapes and music was on Audio Cassettes.

And if you had a CD or even a rarely seen Laserdisc in the 1990s , it’s like showing your fellow poor working class friends and family and their kids what real gold looks like.

Anyway ,


I remember hearing “ The 12 Pains of Christmas “ which was probably one of my introductions to “ Audio Comedy “.


I think I have the CD to this album somewhere.

I know it’s on Apple Music / iTunes so it doesn’t matter right ?


I love this album not because it’s a hilarious rude parody of Christmas , but I have a loving heart for audio comedy like the Cheech and Chong comedy albums.


I even did a satirical Audio Comedy show which I should upload to YouTube as well as my audio comedy albums.

Also it’s a similar process of how The Erica Crooks Show and my Animated Cartoon films are made.




There’s even an animation I did based on the Elvis sketch from this album.





And here’s my animation with me and my friend’s idea for a webshow which we were inspired by this audio sketch from Bob Rivers , but our show didn’t go past a test.



Still my Elvis parody from the early episodes of The Erica Crooks Show was also inspired by the Bob Rivers sketch.


The Elvis Parody was on the show through 2006 - 2007 and premiered on the American Idol parody.



I think I build that Elvis puppet lip-syncing to the Bob Rivers sketch during the pre-filmed days of The Erica Crooks Show but I stopped doing that due to copyright infringement blah blah blah.



Another favorite of mine is Wreck The Malls which might have been my early introduction to Punk Rock. :)




( 2. Jim Henson’s Muppets related


If you know just what a Jim Henson / Muppet nerd I am , this one is obvious.


From Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas

Alright , I confess . The best scenes in the special always involve Kermit and The River Bottom Nightmare Gang




I went to see the musical with my mother and I am enjoying “ Jam Session “ on the recently released Soundtrack.


Now why did I find this hilarious t-shirt ?



to perhaps the #1 Muppet Special of all time “ Muppet Family Christmas “ .



( FUN FACT : The voice of Steve Whitmire’s Turkey in this special influenced me to create the voice of the sort of host of The Erica Crooks Show “ Barney The Hand “



The late 1980s was the best built versions of The Muppets since Muppets Take Manhattan . Since then they’ve looked more and more off model through the years ( more so when Puppet Heap started building for The Muppets ) .


So yeah , Jim Henson Era only ! http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Christmas_Productions


With the acceptation of Muppet Christmas Carol and It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie.


Letters To Santa I didn’t really care for. The only time Elmo was funny was in the 1980s and off screen.

But still , if I had to choose , any of these are better than The Happytime Murders !





One more thing , That Birth of Jesus Christ Thing at the end of that John Denver special and the kids in the crowd … UGH !

It’s like Season 12 of Sesame Street , one of those “ Star Wars Holiday Special “ downhill sell out moments within the history that thankfully only fans know about.


Kind of like this one !



OK , the commercial is hilarious featuring The Muppet Show newsman and The Muppets were total sell outs of meat from the 1950s and 1960s but still , it makes me cringe because Jim Henson fought hard for adult puppetry and when Muppets Take Manhattan didn’t do so well , Jim started to sell out just so Henson Associates didn’t crash as a business.

That’s why Jim Henson wanted to sell to Disney , to go back to being an artist and get away from business duties.

He’s innocent. Now Eisner , don’t get me started about that slimeball scum of the earth !



( 3. Spitting Image


All I can say is this !




Probably the funniest Christmas Specials I’ve ever seen that isn’t made by Henson !



The rare unreleased 1987 special




( The other great one just before all the good people left the show )

( lol John Sessions )








( 4. Ed Edd N Eddy’s Jingle Jingle Jangle


My favorite parts are Rolf’s wacky song and that fun fact scene where Nazz has a nipple slip ! SERIOUSLY ! THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT ! They pulled a Miley Cyrus !



( 5. The Beavis & Butt-head Christmas Special


Probably the best episode ever made and the reason why I say this is because of the “ It’s A Wonderful Life “ parody. And well that’s not much of a reason so I’ll explain why it’s the best episode of Beavis & Butt-head ever made. It revealed a secret that only fans of Beavis & Butt-head know about.




Beavis is actually innocent , smarter , and the only reason why he’s friends with Butt-head in the first place is because it’s really Butt-head who’s the dim-witted sociopath.


Just showing Beavis in the soup kitchen helping Stewart really shows , as well as the angel picking Butt-head instead of both Beavis & Butt-head is a give a way to the secret that the show did have that character development.


One of the last episodes also highlighted this a little bit too. https://beavisandbutthead.fandom.com/wiki/The_Miracle_That_Is_Beavis


But it’s very subtle . Just like how Jane Lane is revealed to be a Lesbian in the Daria TV movie “ Is it fall yet .“ YES I LOVE JANE LANE ! <3


( 6. Ernest Saves Christmas



Yes I am a fan of the Ernest Movies. Also I thought The Simpsons satire on Ernest was one of the BEST GAGS in Simpsons history !


“ Ernest Goes Somewhere Cheap ! “



They ripped the films to shreds ! lol




And what do you know , it’s 11:11pm as I write this and I got Selsa all over my right arm ! Lol


Anyway , I just love free spirited characters like Ernest. This full grown adult with a childlike heart of gold is just something that all FP personality types ( MBTI ) need to see more of , your not alone ! :) We can all be Ernest sometimes , which isn’t always a bad thing. ;)


( 7 . Home Alone


Great movie. The second one is nothing more but the same story but tweaked with Trump’s stupid cameo.


And yes I parodied Home Alone with Con & Spy Rotten “ Yeah Yeah Exactly Man ! “



And there’s behind the scenes and a blooper reel that goes with it too ! ;)



Also a great friend of mine gave me a digital code to get the movie on iTunes . :)


But seriously the movie is over talked about.


But I will say this , I am a fan of John Hughes . ( OK I admit it , SUSAN WATTS !!!! ) I LOVE WATTS !






And yes I did to a parody too !


Watts comes out of the closet !


( The animated cameo of my Twin Flame was edited out until further notice )




Oh yeah my Twin Flame is probably reading this ! She’s a Batman fan and she knows just how much of a classic Harley Quinn fan I am ! <3







The episode is called Holiday Knights !


( I do have all the Harley episodes only iTunes and Amazon Instant Video Accounts :P )


Also I dressed as Harley Quinn cosplay and hosted a Harley Quinn fan panel at Rhode Island Comic Con in 2017 !




They have hilarious Christmas specials !




Just go watch them and maybe Mr Hankey will pop out of your Toilet !


( FUN FACT : Mr. Hankey was one of the first South Park episodes I seen as a kid back in the late 1990s. Perhaps it was 1998 exactly ! Lol I had to sneak downstairs when my mother was sleeping however. Lol )


ONE QUICK NOTE : If Trey Parker and Matt Stone are reading this ! BRING BACK MISSES GARRISON AS A LESBIAN ! I need a fictional role model that I can relate to… Oh never mind , Garrison is Trump now right ? Right wing ? Well , when Garrison was MTF , she was suddenly a likable character ! No thanks to Mr Hat. UGH , I so want a Mr Slave action figure . Lol Great character , too bad GLAAD didn’t think so. He’s such a positive pro-LGBTQ+ character !


One more


THE ONE I MADE ! The Ask Dr LeBrick Holiday Special




And of course my first Christmas ……





_ Erica


P.S. Check out my Christmas crap !





Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )


- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )
Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds
New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth
Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism )
Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation




visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :


Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com


Also Like , Subscribe , Notification Bell thingy , etc


Facebook: http://facebook.com/officialericcrooks


YouTube : http://youtube.com/user/officialericcrooks


Instagram : http://Instagram.com/officialericcrooks/


Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/


Blogger : http://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/


WordPress: https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com


Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks


Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com/follow


Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/user/officialericcrooks/1


Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/officialericcrooks


Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com


Vine: https://vine.co/u/1257143407999610880


Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/officialec1/


Twitter: http://twitter.com/crooks_erica



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Posted by officialericcrooks - December 7th, 2018

I wanted to take this opportunity to share this very blog post to the creative community.

I have a feeling that Internet Capitalism is getting worse which is preventing working class artists and creative content creators in many ways.

There was even an article of well known YouTubers getting burned out. There's many that sell out once they become famous. But when fame comes and goes , then what ?

Also in my blog video , I examine a special aspect of the art in the 1960s which I think needs to be applied more and more. Technically it already has but perhaps artists need to get a little more braver.

Art shouldn't be a capitalist product, art should be expression shared with the world. It's a form of communication !

" Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed " ! 

Internet Capitalism : Selling Out on YouTube and social media

Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/internet-capitalism-selling-out-on-youtube-and-social-media/1762508547183189/

WordPress : https://wordpress.com/post/officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/181

Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/180908868046/internet-capitalism-selling-out-on-youtube-and

Blogger : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2018/12/internet-capitalism-selling-out-on.html