Erica Crooks ( puppeteer , cartoon animator , indie filmmaker , cartoonist , satirist , etc ) Check Out more crazy toons & rude puppets on officialericcrooks.weebly.com ericacrooks.weebly.com
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Erica Crooks @officialericcrooks

Age 36, Female

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officialericcrooks's News

Posted by officialericcrooks - August 6th, 2020

Happy Happy Joy Joy 30 years of Ren & Stimpy 

Make sure to check out the book "Sick Little Monkeys", watching the documentary "Happy Happy Joy Joy : The Ren & Stimpy Story".

It’s sad that Ren & Stimpy is being seen in a negative taboo light 30 years later with the truth about John Kricfalusi being exposed and an upcoming “re-imagined” Ren & Stimpy reboot revival for adults ( Adult Party Cartoon didn’t work so please don’t do it again ) which really needs Bob Camp to take lead.

I’ve been a HUGE Ren & Stimpy fan for 22 years since I discovered The Ren & Stimpy Show at Blockbuster Video rentals. And I can tell you that NOTHING made me stop loving this show.

John Kricfalusi had been an open secret, he had quite a shady image even back then.

John Kricfalusi was rude and bullying people who was even on his blog ( like me ).

As a human being, his personal life, he’s DISGUSTING and SHOULD be deplatformed ASAP ( sign those petitions against him please ! ).

However there’s a saying in art, “ Let Art Speak for itself. “

That’s why I’m still a Ren & Stimpy / early Spumco fan ( web cartoon era ) .

Ren & Stimpy wasn’t just a cartoon that I watched on occasion that I laughed at. As Jim Henson and The Muppets inspired me into puppetry, Ren & Stimpy and possibly Looney Tunes as well inspired me to become a cartoonist and an animator. Also there’s an influence as a satirist, especially a dark satirist. When you find out the influences of an artist, you can see those inspirations within the art. It’s tradition. Great minds think alike ( Except John Kricfalusi’s crimes against humanity of course. )

Ren & Stimpy to me isn’t what it’s always praised to be which is “a very funny cartoon”. Sure Ren & Stimpy is that but to me, it’s also kind of like a creepy pasta Nightmare fuel horror take on Saturday Morning Cartoons. It was like this dark satirical parody of them. That’s what made it interesting in my opinion. 

With the new documentary on the way, I often wonder regarding John Kricfalusi as an artist. With all of those scenes with Psychopathic characters, those caricatures of mental illness psychosis and outbursts , with aggressive toxic masculine authority figures such as George Liquor or even authoritarianism / fascism / sadism in Ren Hoek himself, was it satire or was it John Kricfalusi confessing himself subconsciously / unconsciously. At least Robert Crumb can admit it with his art. 

John Kricfalusi would appear as a stand up comedian whenever on camera making exaggerated faces, acting in character and all, but of course behind that mask brings up the question…

Characters like Ren Hoek or even Dirty Dog from Weekend Pussy Hunt, how much of those characters was a satirical caricature on authoritarianism and how much was that a part of John Kricfalusi himself.

As extreme as his work and Ren & Stimpy could get, nothing compared to the true evils of the sociopathy / psychopathy / dark triad which is John Kricfalusi.

John Kricfalusi may not be welcome into mainstream as well as comic cons, but he’s still on social media and he needs to be deplatformed.

As for Ren & Stimpy, the legacy shall and it should live on. Especially through fans and artists inspired by the show such as myself.

So even though we can learn about the show’s history from the book “Sick Little Monkeys” as well as the documentary “Happy Happy Joy Joy : The Ren & Stimpy Story “, 

People should have the right to enjoy the show regardless.

John Kricfalusi didn’t make the show by himself, in fact he takes more credit than he should.

Ren & Stimpy influenced cartoon animation, it influenced the inspiration of creative freedom when art is creator / artist driven, it was original, it’s one of the best things to come out of the 1990s and it is still loved and celebrated by fans and artists alike to this day.

Happy 30th to Ren & Stimpy and everyone who worked on it ( except John Kricfalusi and any of his evil minions and yes men. )

_ Erica

#renandstimpy #therenandstimpyshow #renandstimpy30 #renandstimpyshow #therenandstimpyshow30 #happyhappyjoyjoy #cartoon #cartoons #animation #animator #cartoonist #art #popculture #90s #1990s #nickelodeon #Millennial #Millennials #darktriad #toxicmasculinity #narcissisticabuse #cartoonanimation #animatedcartoons #happyhappyjoyjoy30


Personal Site : ericacrooks.weebly.com

General Site : officialericcrooks.weebly.com


Posted by officialericcrooks - August 6th, 2020

Spitting Image Fandom vs ITV / YouTube Copyright Takedowns


For those who don’t know what “ Spitting Image “ is, Spitting Image was a political satire puppet television show in Britain from 1984 - 1996 that was getting about 15 million viewers a week in it’s heyday . 

Since Spitting Image images and even ( unauthorized ) Spitting Image clips and even full length episodes and series ( Almost Every Single Spitting Image Episode and Special broadcast ) were uploaded to the Google owned Video Sharing website “ YouTube “ .

Like Network DVD when they started ( and never finished which makes fans angry to this very day ) releasing DVDs, they took down Spitting Image videos on youtube just to upload a handful of clips because “their uploads are legal” ( rolling eyes ) .

As Spitting Image prepares to make a return on Britbox this fall / later this year, ITV is doing the same exact thing. Taking down Spitting Image videos due to “copyright infringement”. 

I’m here to challenge this corporate perspective regardless if my opinion will influence or not since they own the master tapes ( or whatever’s available * as mentioned on the back of the DVDs by the way * ) and copyright.

One question is just how big is the current cult following fanbase .

Fans do exist including younger generations that never grew up with the show when it was originally broadcasted on television , there’s even those who DON’T like in Europe and discovered the show else where ( a VHS tape, a museum, from a friend, the internet, etc ) like myself.

One of the big reasons why people question the subject of copyright law is how it limits “ Discovery “. Copyright Law is capitalism and that’s all it’s protects, capital - profit - etc.

But did you know that many people from Spitting Image were Leftists ? Including Roger Law which Steve Nallon mentioned was “ a Socialist “.

Even during the film screening in 2013 celebrating Spitting Image’s 30th anniversary, John Lloyd said the following.

“ I was you know the the liberal voting middle-of-the-road reasonable BBC train producer trying to mediate between these lunatics and they won't get a

Marxist you know Che Guevara hats and ( shaking clenched raised fist )

all this kind of stuff. “

In fact , a Spitting Image T-Shirt ( around 1985 / 1986 ) existed that quoted Bob Crow “ If We all Spit Together, We’ll Drown The Bastards”. 

And I know as an Anarchist myself, the subject of Copyright ( and Hierarchical Power itself ) is questionable in it’s legitimacy . 

YouTube and Social Media platforms itself have been absolutely horrible to content creators and users. Even more than ever before, copyright infringement takedowns and Content ID copyright infringement takedowns ignore the fact that “ Fair Use “ exists.

Perhaps this alone doesn’t qualify in terms of fair use, but I do want to stand up for the rights of fandom.

Since business only cares about profit and capitalism in all it’s superficial hierarchy, 

what they fail to recognize is “copyright infringement” or whatever label you want to call fandom sharing what they love IS ACTUALLY BENEFICIAL TO THEM !

Again, this is about “ Discovery “ ,

especially with the fact that the New upcoming Spitting Image on Netflix wants to reach to an “international audience”.

Even before the YouTube copyright takedowns started to happen, I bring up the first question, how big is the Spitting Image cult following audience ?

The fans do exist and fandoms no matter how big they are in comparison are just as equal generally. But what business cares about is profit, viewing people as wallets, how much profit is this going to make them ? Whenever viewership is in the Millions, business people start paying attention, if it goes more than that, then they want to take action.

But there’s a problem among most fan bases.

The Nostalgic fans who want quality and the open minded liberal consumers who are just happy to get whatever is available.

I’ve seen this pattern in the Fanbases of The Simpsons, The Muppets & even Looney Tunes.

There’s a trend that’s happening now of “Reboots” of classics from the 1980s and currently with the 1990s due to the childhood generations being the age where they are parents.

Spitting Image doesn’t seem to be at that level, it does seem to me that the fanbase of Les Guignols De L’info might have a fanbase bigger than Spitting Image.

Is part of the reason that they are made in Europe and they haven’t gone through the international neoliberal capitalist pipeline like most franchises do in Hollywood with underpaid factory workers in China and other countries with horrible working conditions and all ? Yes folks, that’s how toys and most things are made unfortunately. See why people are against Capitalism ? And that’s just one example.

I hate to say that Spitting Image’s fanbase is very small because it’s the younger generations that are oppressed over the internet more than the older generations. In other words stuff that was going on in Britain when I was just a baby and living outside Europe. And I’m not the youngest generation adult anymore.

Today the only thing in America where at least some people recognize “ Those Puppets “ is the Genesis Land of Confusion music video, since the three NBC specials were never released on DVD or even VHS.

Fortunately with the release of some of the new puppets that are going to be appearing in the revival of Spitting Image on Britbox this fall / later this year, the images alone are turning into MEMES. So would ITV take those down too as “ copyright infringement “ ?

The point I want to make is , you can’t just rely on the advertising / marketing to spread the word alone. In fact the best word of mouth comes from people.

And especially anti-copyright.

The more ITV takes down Spitting Image videos, the less chances people will discover what made the show so great in the first place.

But going back to what I was saying regarding “ Reboots “, the Nostalgic fans are more often then not disappointed because it’s rare for something to please the nostalgic fans who tend to look deeper into the art’s cultural quality more than most people who tend to be a bunch of open minded liberal consumers in general.

In a way, it’s like destroying history. It would be horrible if copyright owners threw away the original master films just as much as capitalists throw away brand new stuff if they don’t make a profit on them like food, clothing, just about anything that people want and need. See why people go dumpster diving ?

I want to trust ITV’s intentions are good but again, Spitting Image’s fandom needs to be rediscovered and GROW !

Spitting Image is an amazing show and there are people from America such as myself that LOVE the show. Not only as a person who is from America that loves British Humor even if I don’t fully understand everything about British Culture to the point where I’m laughing at some stuff in a surreal way due to my ignorance or just because I’m a Puppet nerd who loves satire.

Fans Lives Matter.

And the more capitalists refuse to give Spitting Image fans what they want,

well… as Spitting Image used to say

“ It makes you wanna SPIT ! “

“ Spit on your own and you can’t do anything, but if we all Spit Together, WE’LL DROWN THE BASTARDS ! “

_ Bob Crow

_ Erica

Read on 

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/spitting-image-fandom-vs-itv-youtube-copyright-takedowns/1622377337965675/

Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/625728265073672192/spitting-image-fandom-vs-itv-youtube-copyright

Blogger : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2020/08/spitting-image-fandom-vs-itv-youtube.html

WordPress : https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/2020/08/06/spitting-image-fandom-vs-itv-youtube-copyright-takedowns/

DeviantArt : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks/journal/Spitting-Image-Fandom-vs-ITV-YouTube-Copyright-851181295

Newgrounds : https://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com/news/post/1109959

#spittingimage #spittingimagepuppets #itv #questioncopyright #youtube #takedown #takedowns #anarchy #anarchist #anarchism #leftist #leftism #libertariansocialist #libertariansocialism #rogerlaw #anarchocommunist #anarchocommunism #britishcomedy #britishhumor #britbox #spittingimage2020 #fandom #comiccon #popculture #genesis #landofconfusion #puppetry #puppets #satire #politicalsatire


Posted by officialericcrooks - August 5th, 2020


Posted by officialericcrooks - July 29th, 2020

Trump’s Covid-19 / Coronavirus Doctor “ Stella Immanuel MD “ is a HATEFUL Spiritual Narcissist

Trump's doctor believes in Alien DNA / Demon Sperm. Sure I'm into New Age so I'm open minded to this kind of stuff, however as a Spiritual Anarchist, I do believe what makes a creature evil is due to hierarchical environments. If one doesn't see the evil in Trump, they're FAKE.

Also as a Spiritual Anarchist, I am against hierarchy in spirituality. With that being said.

Stella Immanuel MD IS A FRAUD and needs to be deplatformed !

 She is one of many who harms Spiritual Communities and practice and uses Spirituality as a platform for hate, misinformation and perhaps even narcissism !

This is the sort of thing that I protest time and time again in my blog videos and blog articles.

There is a huge misconception about New Thought / New Age Spirituality / Occult if it’s pseudo-science, conformation bias, or just a big scam , or just another tool used by the capitalist ruling classes.

As a Spiritual Anarchist as well as a Twin Flame, I can say that this paranormal stuff is 100% real and not hierarchical itself.

There’s nothing wrong with witches, demons or aliens. There is a thing about there being evil ones but alone loving ones as well.

But when it comes to the COVID-19 / Coronavirus , and they are a doctor, they need to GET TO WORK and focus on SCIENCE because THAT is what SCIENCE is meant for. We are all in 3D Earth, Not 5D Earth. We are living in a Capitalist Hierarchical Global Society, Not an Anarchist one yet. The Doctor’s focus needs to be focused on the work of curing those with Covid-19 / Coronavirus with the knowledge of a doctor. If the doctor wants to talk to the Universe in terms of a spiritual prayer if prayer or telepathy prayer and visualize a white light or white bubble of light of the positive energy of unconditional love and light to help things, that’s fine but THAT NEEDS TO COME AFTER AND THAT CAN NOT BE A DISTRACTION TO URGENT MATTERS SUCH AS COVID-19 / Coronavirus , The doctor can be free to do that when they go home !

I don’t appreciate this doctor using Spirituality knowledge and practice as a platform for misinformation and hate.

Especially Transphobia.

This person needs to be platformed , especially when it comes to “ she praised a father’s decision to not love his transgender son ( Trans Man ) after a gender transition. “

I am so sick and tired of “ Divide & Conquer “. People who hate people just because they are not CisHet are people who have never taken the time to see that people who differ from them are just as human as they are.

As a Lightworker / Twin Flame , one of the big missions I’ve got is to expose the truth and help bring about unconditional love & light to the world. That’s what we need. The World Needs Love but We Live In A World of Hate & Fear !

We need Unity Consciousness ! That is what is going to bring us to World Peace !

We need people to listen to their conscious and intuition, heart and soul, not the hierarchical authoritarian lies that has been played onto them by authority figures and politicians.

John Lennon was right “ All We Are Saying, Is Give Peace A Chance “ .

Whenever I hear things about Trump hiring a doctor who uses Spirituality as a platform of Hate & Misinformation, People using Spirituality to platform hateful ideologies aka Alt-Right Fascism ( Anarchism is a loving and peaceful one relating to the philosophy that hierarchy should be replaced with All Power To The People living in the organized philosophies of Liberty - Equality & Solidarity ) , or someone just cashing in on it and or using it as a platform for Narcissistic Abuse / Hierarchical Cult. 

Most people think Psychic Ability is a con / a scam. Carl Jung talked about iNtuition so it does exist. Telepathy and Metaphysics / Quantum Physics as well. The problem like everything Anarchists are against is “Hierarchy ( aka Power over Others, Domination of Others, Exploitation of Others, Anti-Social Behavior that takes away the liberty of others and harms others, etc ).

Most people believe that this stuff is fake and harmful just like how Antifa / Anarchism is demonized in the news.

Very misunderstood

It’s amazing how Trump is still on term 1 and he’s accomplished to be everything I’m against and how there’s specific proof that I’m automatically an enemy of Trump even if I never spoke up in the first place.


_ Erica

#SpiritualityAgainstStellaImmanuelMD #StellaImmanuelMDisaFraud #CancelStellaImmanuelMD #DeplatformStellaImmanuelMD #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualawakening #NWO #NewWorldOrder #TheNewWorldOrder #Illuminati #SpiritualAnarchist #SpiritualAnarchism #Antifa #antifascist #antifascism #lightworker #lightworkers #twinflame #twinflames #lightworkermission #SpiritualNarcissist #Occult #NewAge #NewThought #LawOfAttraction #SpiritualNarcissism #covid19 #coronavirus #removetrump

Read on 

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/trumps-covid-19-coronavirus-doctor-stella-immanuel-md-is-a-hateful-spiritual-nar/2908626312571401/

WordPress : https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/2020/07/29/trumps-covid-19-coronavirus-doctor-stella-immanuel-md-is-a-hateful-spiritual-narcissist/



Posted by officialericcrooks - July 26th, 2020

New Spitting Image Isn't Going To Be As Good As The Original

This article from 7/15/2020 caught my attention today,


The last time we heard any news prior , Spitting Image was going to be on BritBox and it still is , but before that it was announced as being revived as an “ American Spitting Image “ on NBC while at the same time Les Guignols De L’info was in talks of a possible deal with Fox.

Roger Law talked in 2018 about American writers writing the show while the show would be filmed in the UK.

From the looks of what I’m reading in the article, the New Spitting Image Isn’t Going To Be As Good As The Original.

In 2018, Roger Law hinted that he needed the money. He’s 78 and owns the other half of copyright to Spitting Image. 

Spitting Image’s fanbase is unfortunately very small and or not as vocal as most fanbases on the internet. Still one thing is for sure, for the most part, Spitting Image views on YouTube get decent views.

Spitting Image used to get 15 million viewers a week at most. But it seems like it’s not enough to sell those Bob Crow quote shirts like they used to “ If We All Spit Together , We’ll Drown The Bastard.”

However , fans demand the same quality as they got from 1980s Spitting Image and are less than satisfied to received anything less. As much as I enjoyed 2DTV and Newzoids ( and I agree, Headcases was CRAP ! ) still, it’s not what the fans want.

In the 2000s, rumors through out mentioned the status regarding the possible return of Spitting Image. John Lloyd seemed the most enthusiastic about a possible revival. At one point, he got Private Eye’s and Spitting Image’s ORIGINAL head writers / satirists ( WHO ARE STILL AT PRIVATE EYE MAGAZINE BY THE WAY ) Ian Hislop and Nick Newman to write a pilot. ( Something unfortunately we are not going to be seeing in the new Spitting Image which we desperately need. ) . 

The closest we ever got to a New Spitting Image was when Spitting Image ( like ) Ant & Dec puppets hosted the documentary special “ Best Ever Spitting Image “ which was one out of several Spitting Image documentary specials that were coming out at the time most likely to celebrate the shows 20th anniversary such as “ Must See TV “ & the Comedy Connections documentary ( which didn’t feature the Ant & Dec puppets ) .

It’s been rumored that since the Ant & Dec puppets were made without approval from Roger Law who owns the trademark & copyright of the Spitting Image brand ( Brand ? WTF ? ) , he said no to the revival. However it was captioned on the bottom of the screen shortly after the Ant & Dec puppets appeared that they were created because the show couldn’t be revived.

The Ant & Dec puppets were designed, built and performed by people who were involved on Spitting Image so in my opinion, they count as Spitting Image puppets.

John Lloyd often went from being in talks with Roger Law and anyone involved in the original series mentioning how they would love to return and doing everything he could to get something going to mentioning how the show couldn’t be revived because of the publics ability to mock politicians in power on the internet easily ( which of course is the worst excuse ever ) .

But the real reason was the show is considered to be the most expensive kind of TV show to produce. This is on of the reasons why Les Guignols De L’info has beat Spitting Image , they had more money than Spitting Image ever had and they went further than Spitting Image ever had in terms of how far they would go regarding razor sharp political satire. Les Guignols De L’info’s political satire was often dark, pretty much reviving the spirit of “Every Bomb You Drop ( Every Breath You Take parody which they were able to actually get Sting to sing the parody to his own song , and then satirize him on the show in 1986 but eventually got him to voice his own puppet in the Peter & The Wolf special which Spitting Image puppets was the only Spitting Image thing about the special ).”

Les Guignols De L’info got on the nerves of Billionaire Vincent Bolloré that him and his friend ( and regular target of Les Guignols De L’info since the mid 1990s ) Nicolas Sarkozy wanted to end the show in 2015 which resulted as forcing the show to change and therefore cause viewership to drop until it’s cancelation in 2018.

Spitting Image ALSO changed by the 1990s, but WORSE than what Les Guignols De L’info which still had some charm to it regardless of drop in dark political satire , writers, show runner, and budget.

Bill Dare made the discussion to make Spitting Image a “Funny popular comedy show” which he later made “Dead Ringers” which is like a radio version of Spitting Image and ironically similar to Spitting Image’s roots being partly inspired by satirical radio program “ Week Ending”.

However with Spitting Image by the 1990s, the only thing that was razor sharp satire and entertaining was occasional moments but mostly the music parodies / music satires that still stayed as anti-establishment as ever, the music parodies / music satires were still good.

And the puppetry was still energetic and slapstick comedy like.

But other then that, 1990s Spitting Image just seemed like a puppet show version of Saturday Night Live. It wasn’t as slow and Americanized like Headcases, but 2DTV and Headcases WAS FUNNIER THAN 1990s Spitting Image.

1990s Spitting Image is the rarest of Spitting Image to find because it has barely been released on DVD. But even with the worst of Spitting Image, there is something interesting there. Even Peter & The Wolf and that Johnny Condom Sex-Education film.

But in order for a successful Spitting Image revival to happen, satire ALWAYS depends on the satirists’ own political ideology. 

Les Guignols De L’info was known for being leftist / left populous and ending their anti-American Imperialism / Capitalism ( aka The World Company / War In Iraq / etc )

gave them the “ Anti-American “ reputation.  

Charlie Hebdo which was similar to Les Guignols De L’info but in Magazine form admitted to being Leftist / Anarchist / Far Left Leaning.

When it came to Spitting Image , 

Steve Nallon mentioned that Roger Law was a “ socialist “ . Roger Law is often seen in interviews wearing a cap with a Red Star on it, even today.

And John Lloyd even mentioned how there was Leftists involved at Spitting Image.

“ I was you know, the liberal voting middle-of-the-road reasonable BBC trained producer trying to mediate between these lunatics and they were all Marxist ( shaking fist ) , you know , Che Guevara hats and all this kind of stuff. “ _ John Lloyd ( Whatever Happened To Spitting Image 2014 / BFI Panel Discussion at the 30th Anniversary Celebration of Spitting Image screening. )

" In the past most caricaturists ( satirical cartoonist ) had to work by themselves. The best caricaturists ( satirists ) are obsessive. The best ones work obsessively. They probably have a deeply distressful nature. Maybe romantics , Idealists , moralists , or social reformers. They object to what’s around them. But the ability to make people laugh at a funny face is a very fascinating tool and a weapon. “ 

_ Peter Fluck ( Satirist / Caricaturist / Puppet Maker / Co-creator of Spitting Image . 

  • Whatever Happened To Spitting Image ( documentary ) 2014 * ) 

Like all great political activists, they had a vision and praxis.

Unfortunately at some point, many just gave up or retired to just give interviews and write books for the next generation as they get older.

Ian Hislop admitted to being a Democrat ( Liberal Democrat … I’m guessing ) in a BBC interview in 2019.

Many people mentioned how Private Eye has lost it’s razor sharp satirical edge and of course Ian Hislop has been editor of Private Eye Magazine since 1986 which at the same time he was able to being one of the head writers / satirists along with his writing parter Nick Newman ( also at Private Eye Magazine and still is ) , as well as being a part of “ Have I Got News For You “ since it’s beginning.

Spitting Image Writer Steve Punt criticized “ Have I Got News For You “ in the Comedy Connections documentary as being one of the causes for Spitting Image’s cancelation because network executives could see how that show’s budget was cheaper next to Spitting Image questioning why should they pay such a budge budget for a topical satirical comedy show.

Ian Hislop’s political stance regardless if he is a “ Democrat “ usually seemed loosely because Ian Hislop’s own political ideology has often been a mystery and not mentioned until recently in that interview.

Still we need to remember that Ian Hislop and the other Spitting Image writers were just as razor sharp in their political satire to David Owen & David Steel to the point where they accused Spitting Image for ruining their chances in winning the 1987 Election.

If you ever watch Ian Hislop on Have I Got News For You or see him in interviews / lectures or behind the scenes at work at Private Eye Magazine ,

his sense of satirical humor is recognizable to classic 1980s Spitting Image.

Out of all of those who worked on Spitting Image , he was the one still spitting and kept the satirical spirit of Spitting Image alive.

I would say that Ian Hislop’s focus is on satire more than being devoted to a strict political ideology.

It’s hard to say if Ian Hislop was a leftist, but as an admirer of George Orwell as well as the history of Satire itself, he is familiar with it.

Ian Hislop has probably been best known as “ THE MOST SUED MAN IN BRITAIN “ because of his satire in Private Eye. He often got sued while being a writer at Spitting Image which often got mentioned on the show.

And when he left the show, like Spitting Image impressionist / voice artist “ John Sessions “ the debut of his own Spitting Image puppet came shortly after.

It obviously shows how important Ian Hislop’s involvement on Spitting Image just like Jerry Juhl with The Muppets, the writers don’t usually get as much attention as the main performers do but they are just as important.

With Ian Hislop able to still be a part of Have I Got News For You, Still be an editor at Private Eye along with Nick Newman, it shows that even at the age of 60 , he still an active satirist.

According to Steve Nallon ( aka Thatcher on Spitting Image ) on his blog article on his website “ Satire or Just Spit “ as well as a TV interview ,

Steve Nallon even though wasn’t a writer on the show, also has a fondness for the literary art form of satire.

“Somewhere in the satirist’s heart there must be an anger about the way the world is. 

Or should that be how people are? 

The targets of satire are often seen to be of political systems, institutions or class structures

 but equally there are of the human failings of hypocrisy, greed, piety, pride and pretension.

The satirist isn’t a cynic, but a disillusioned romantic who 

deep down wants the world to be better than it is 

and is pretty pissed off that it isn’t. 

The creative forces of the satirist come from a sublimation of anger and indignation 

refined and combined with a talent for the comic or caricature. 

But sometimes the anger isn’t too far below the surface. Indeed, on a personal level,

 the weakness of the satirist is often how easily he ( or she ) is riled. 

they seek to correct the culture around them that threatens their own 

values rather than the prevailing ideology. The very fact that satirists 

are allowed to say the things they do within the framework of a 

dominant socio-economic capitalist structure merely

 proves they are ultimately servants of the system rather than its enemy. “

“ If I had a message to young satirists it would be …. Learn to care.

 Learn to care about the world and not be so cynical about it. ”

 _ Steve Nallon 

However Roger Law decided for “ A New Generation of Writers and Voice Artists “ to come for the New Spitting Image.

Still as I mentioned earlier, it makes me wonder about the tale of Two Roger Laws.

The Satirist / The Leftist and The Sell Out.

Unlike Les Guignols De L’info ( Even though there was the show and it’s revival that’s still on the air WHICH IS ACTUALLY GOOD ! The revival is probably better than the original. Les Minikeums . )

Spitting Image was known for selling out on commercials as far back as Spitting Image’s popularity in 1986. Even at one time doing a french train commercial.

The Genesis music video “ Land of Confusion “ still to this day is the most popular thing Spitting Image has ever done.

And as I mentioned, Johnny Condom and Peter & The Wolf.

One of the reasons I’ve heard was because Spitting Image Productions went into debt.

It’s strange how there was a video a few years ago of Roger Law setting fire to many of the legal letterheads and legal documents of Spitting Image Productions ( Legal stuff not the creative puppet stuff which he donated to the University he used to go to. ) and in 2013 mentioning that Spitting Image could be a “ Cult thing on the net “ but still being aware that Network Executives are “ Americanized “ and are too cautious about budgets which they want to “ cover their bottom “ .

Without getting too much into it for now, there could be another reason.

Roger Law is 78. Many times when giving lectures, he would have a cane on him.

In 2018 he mentioned “I’m far too old, I shouldn’t be in the studio like this. “

Also he has silver teeth.

Roger Law is getting old. Like Jim Henson, He was in his 40s during his famous show.

So since Roger Law owns the copyrights / trademarks of Spitting Image, 

donated what he had of Spitting Image to a University,

Perhaps it’s not only for him to earn money in his pocket.

He has a ceramic business where he made GIANT bowls,

he even moved to China making them too.

Roger Law has always been known as been a very active , working sculpture.

But again, because Spitting Image’s fanbase is small,

perhaps in a way,

Roger Law is trying to SAVE SPITTING IMAGE’S LEGACY !

At the time where President Donald J Trump is the most recognizable and HATED Far-Right politician in the world, what better time is it to revive Spitting Image and perhaps to save it.

This is just my opinion. 

There was a crowdfunded Roger Law documentary that still hasn’t been released however Roger did write a couple of books. One is a rare one from the 1990s “ A Nasty Piece of Work “ and his autobiography which is available on Kindle / ebook format.

In conclusion ,

This article proves to me that the New Spitting Image revival on Britbox regardless of Roger Law’s involvement IS NOT GOING TO BE AS GOOD AS THE 1980s original.

The puppets however bring back the dark irreverence as it did during the 1980s.

But still, the obvious signs can’t be ignored.

Capitalism is even worse than it has ever before. Thatcher came from the start of Neo-Liberalism and now is Late Stage Capitalism.

While watching “ Whatever Happened To Spitting Image “ listening to Peter Fluck mentioning how he gave up on satire when he started to believe that it wasn’t going to change anything and that caricaturists / satirists weren’t going to change the world, as well as how negative and depressing it got after while.

As a satirist and Anarchist and satirical puppeteer myself, I have discovered that satire is good praxis in terms of building an Anti-Authoritarian culture ( Cultural Anarchism ) . Also Spiritually it relates to the Heyoka Mirror Empath ( Sacred Clown ) .

The Capitalist Ruling Class is the enemies of life, if we had a popular anti-authoritarian culture that was even stronger than the movements and culture of the 1960s , we could finally have REVOLUTION for a Better World !

As John Lloyd mentioned , “ Spitting Image was a show that made people laugh and made people think. “ and it was often said that Spitting Image made politics popular, especially to Youth Culture.

If you compared 1980s Spitting Image to 1990s Spitting Image , you’ll notice many differences.

Politically it seems to me that 1990s Spitting Image was kind of LIBERAL compared to 1980s Spitting Image which was basically Left Wing but leaning towards Leftism which is the best kind of Political Satire you can ask for.

However, if they wanted to risk everything and get right down to Anarchist propaganda, be my guest. :)

“ All Art Is Properganda, on the other hand, not all propaganda is art. “ _ George Orwell

There’s a quote I often see which I’m not sure where it originated from , but it’s 

“ Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. “

The ending of Series 12 of Spitting Image was probably the final time Spitting Image did something that was pure serious political satire ( even though it was Conservatives dressed up as Hippies ) .

Spitting Image had serious moments, and cared about the unemployed and the homeless.

I don’t care how many YouTube videos a Spitting Image fan can comment on,

No one can be a true Spitting Image fan and a RIGHT WING bully / cyberbully / cyberstalker !

Satire is a left wing thing, always anti-authoritarian.

Unfortunately , popular satire especially in America is just like it’s politics.

Liberal or Libertarian Party.

What’s why Saturday Night Live isn’t as funny in comparison.

Perhaps that’s why Mad Magazine lost it’s edge years ago.

Perhaps that’s why South Park is now Right Wing Libertarian ( Party ) .

Americans aren’t as good at Satire as those in Europe ,

America is too patriotic / nationalistic and pro-capitalism while the rest of the world HATES THEM !

Les Guignols De L’info was even featured as well as Ian Hislop in the PBS crossroads documentary “ Anti-Americans : A Love / Hate Relationship “.

If you live in America, being Anti-American and being Leftist is a Taboo.

So when you have the head writer being a member of the Writers Guild of America who’s responsible for Zombie Simpsons / Jerk-Ass Homer / episodes of The Simpsons which Classic fans HATE !

It doesn’t matter if the puppets are going to be great.

Like Classic Simpsons vs Current Zombie Simpsons, 

there’s a difference between rebelling within the system as satirists not caring about getting fired vs

being civil and fair to everyone as well as making .

Probably because of Late Stage Capitalism, 

not even Liberals who once did great satirical and creative things 

aren’t as rebellious as they once were.

In the 1980s, Thatcher and Regan were the main targets.

On Les Guignols De L’info and 1980s Spitting Image, EVERYONE was a target because they were The Establishment.

Every Bomb You Drop as well as Genesis’s “ Land of Confusion “ , the lyrics explained the political spirit which is satire and Spitting Image.

Perhaps this is why Phil Collins dropped his lawsuit which we was going to sue Spitting Image for the sketch “ I’m So Lonely “.

Still, that didn’t stop them for saying things on the lines of “Piss Off , Bald Headed Git ! “ and other similar insults. ;)

There's too many men

Too many people

Making too many problems

And not much love to go round

Can't you see

This is a land of confusion.

This is the world we live in

And these are the hands we're given

Use them and let's start trying

To make it a place worth living in.

Every bomb you make, (Ronald Reagan)

And every job you take, (Margaret Thatcher)

Every heart you break, (Arthur Scargill and Ian MacGregor)

Every Irish wake, (Ian Paisley)

I’ll be watching you…

Every wall you build, (Erich Honecker)

And everyone you've killed, (Robert Mugabe)

Every grave you've filled, (Fidel Castro)

All the blood you've spilled, (Colonel Gadaffi)

I’ll be watching you…

Oh, can't you see? (Erich Honecker)

You belong to me. (Idi Amin)

There’ll be a bill to pay, (Leonid Brezhnev)

On that judgement day... (Adolf Hitler)

For every empty plate, (Indira Gandhi)

And every word of hate, (Ruhollah Khomaini)

Those who subjugate, (P.W. Botha)

Those who violate, (Konstantin Chernenko)

I’ll be watching you… (Death)

_ Spitting Image ( 1984 )

As proven by the cancelations of Spitting Image and Les Guignols De L’info , perhaps even The Simpsons’ attempt to attack The Authoritarian Family within the system only to end up being Liberal and now owned by The Walt Disney Company,

This is what happens when you work within the systems and you trust capitalists of any kind,

they aren’t easily outsmarted.

Still, what made shows satirical and creative in the past, was there were open minded liberal executives who were willing to take a chance and allow things to slide past them.

Today it’s impossible. 

The best political satire anyone could make these days are outside of the system which is what I do with my satirical puppetry and cartooning work for 15 years now.

I’m still excited to see new Spitting Image. 

Even if it isn’t going to be as good as the original.

I’m just saying, if your expecting a return of Jon Glover, Chris Barrie and all the original Voice Artists & Impressionists ,

If your expecting a return of satirist writers like Ian Hislop and Nick Newman,

If your expecting the satirist praxis of working within the system towards a leftist revolution,

Chances most likely then not, it’s not going to happen.

Maybe I’m just expressing this as an Anarchist but if Right Wing politics disappeared,

Don’t be fooled.

Right Wing politics is a part of the problem,

but the root cause of ALL political problems is Hierarchical Power over others.

Don’t Forget To Spit !

It’d like to end this with the last words of Spitting Image.

Their Twist & Shout parody that ended the series.

( some of the lryics while watching the video were hard to translate but I did my best. )

“ Well, You know we make you want to SPIT,

Forever Grinning, SPIT

I’m Never Winning , SPIT,

Nucular Testing, SPIT

I Loath Protesting, SPIT

All The Knee Capping, SPIT,

All The Crap Acting, SPIT

Rubbish Telly ( TV / Television ) , SPIT

Bein’ Smelly , SPIT

Don’t forget , we make you ill.

And don’t forget to Spit.

I don’t remember all the weapons we’ve sold,

Oh that was awhile ago, when you were only 96 years old.

And sure that you know, we’ve been bad to you before,

We’ve been looking after ourselves,


We’ve got our tits out,

I’ve got my ritz out,


Nelson Mandela,

The National Lottery,

Virginia Bottomley,

Why aren’t we divorced yet,

The Guardian is a nuisance,

Toe Sucking,

Present Plucking,


They Make You Idiots,

Say You’ll Spit

Throw your head back baby

Say You’ll Spit

Throw Your Head Back Baby

Spit Now

Everybody Spit Now

Everybody Spit Spit Spit Spit Spit etc

You Know I’m Feeling Alright. “

One other thing, the Bob Crow quote

“ Spit On Your Own and You can’t do anything, but, IF WE ALL SPIT TOGETHER, WE’LL DROWN THE BASTARDS. ! “

_ Erica

Read on

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Posted by officialericcrooks - July 22nd, 2020

Beavis & Butt-head - A Product of It’s Time ?

Thoughts about the 2020 Beavis & Butt-head revival. Is it necessary in today’s time and age ? 


To get an idea of where I’m going with this, first of all, I’ve been a HUGE fan of Beavis & Butt-head since I was way too young to watch the show. Ironically I must have been watching the reruns in 1997 since that’s when the show was canceled. There was also South Park, Celebrity Deathmatch, Cartoon Sushi, The Simpsons ( slowly losing it’s edge but I was being introduced to it, probably around 2001 or so ) , etc.

The 1990s era of Animation has been one of my strongest influences as an artist.

Not a lot of people get Beavis & Butt-head and don’t realize that it’s in fact a satire on Toxic Masculinity. The big question is, will that be the aims of satirist ( or ex-satirist ) Mike Judge depending on his own personal political ideology beliefs. That’s the key ingredient to satire and satirists, what is your politics, what is your political ideology.

Mike Judge might as well be the same as Trey Parker & Matt Stone of South Park.

But there’s something different about American satire vs satire in France, United Kingdown, Europe , etc. 

Satire in Europe seems more left wing. Spitting Image / Les Guignols and Charlie Hebdo are known for it’s Leftist ( not Liberal ) leanings. I strongly feel that this is the best way to lampoon both liberals and conservatives equally. And when it comes to acceptable political satire working within the system, just presenting it as “ It’s not bias because every politician and person in power is lampooned equally. “ is what made these shows stay on the air and protected by their networks. However of course, Vincent Bolloré who bought Canal+ HATED Les Guignols De L’info and canceling the show immediately or slowly destroying it’s popularity allowing for a natural cancelation due to low ratings most likely could have been due to a favor 

of his rich friend and long time satirical target of the show “ Nicolas Sarkozy “ who was often presented as narcissistic , fascistic, superficial, and destructive anger management problems to the point of destroying rooms as well as often laughed at by Jacques Chirac.

Spitting Image’s Bill Dare decided to in his words “Make the show more popular and funny above all else.” which made Spitting Image between Series 11 - 13 until it’s cancelation in 1996 just seem like a fast pace puppet show version of Saturday Night Live. But only time will tell if the upcoming Spitting Image revival this year on Britbox will be just as razor sharp as Les Guignols De L’info which in many ways went further than Spitting Image between the mid 1990s - 2000s until it’s cancelation in 2018. Although many feel that the show lost a lot of edge when it was reformatted until Vincent Bolloré’s wishes which included firing and replacing the writers as well as eventually the show runner. 

 Charlie Hebdo however is not a TV program but a publication. 5 Years ago , several of the longtime satirists were murdered. Still the Charlie Hebdo publication continued shortly after regardless. Charlie Hebdo is often seen as Leftist.

Private Eye Magazine who’s editor since 1986 Ian Hislop ( One of the original head satirists of Spitting Image until 1988 ) has mentioned that his political ideology is “ Liberal Democrat “. However as Spitting Image clearly showed, he didn’t mind mocking them either.

American satire is different. Democrat voting Liberals are often the most popular and often understood as “ The Left “ by the masses, even though leftists disagree. However when it comes to people in America who are neither a conservative or liberal, most often than not, they choose “ The Libertarian Party “. The Libertarian Party ( not to be confused with “ Libertarians “ which in Leftism means something completely different and Leftist like Libertarian Socialism aka Anarchism for example ) , those who support The Libertarian Party could be either socially liberal or socially conservative or be economically liberal or economically conservative, or like the other name “ Independent “ would choose which issues they are for and which ones they are against as if it was a personal choice. Those who support The Libertarian Party are just as patriotic / nationalistic , pro-capitalism and pro-government than liberals and conservatives. 

But in my opinion, the best satire always came from the left. Everything has.

Like Bill Maher, he’s either a hit or miss. His anti-religion documentary “ Religulous “ is probably the best thing he’s ever done. Perhaps the same could be said regarding Mike Judge’s Idiocracy in which satire isn’t necessarily anti-capitalist however in many ways could be seen as a satire caricaturing a worst case senecio dystopia of how capitalism can destroy the human mind, society, and survival . South Park had many great satires which most of them were anti-establishment . Even Daria ( which was a Beavis & Butt-head spin off ) was pro-feminist with it’s head characters Daria and Jane Lane ( a Punk Androgynous Lesbian who’s secretly in the closet ) . 

But like Daria, Beavis & Butt-head and South Park , the satirists were never afraid to lampoon the rise of 1990s social liberalism at the time which can be seen as progressive today.

But perhaps that’s where political ideologies and satirist clash with their ideas.

What is considered the left ? What is considered satirizing liberalism ? And is satirizing liberalism / progressivism / cancel culture and political correctness the same as satirizing the left ?

Satire has always been known as a misunderstood literary art just as much as Anarchism being a misunderstood political philosophy.

Because of the age of Trump, conservatism and liberalism might still exist and battle with a “ Culture War “ , however most people aren’t aware of the giant one that’s going on between Anarchists / Leftists / anyone who’s a minority vs Alt Right Fascism ( Who’s political ideology is right wing terrorism, hate, fear, bullying on and offline and murder. ) 

Conservatives are siding more with fascistic ideas like they always have through out history like the rise of the KKK for example. Even though Liberals & Progressives are protesting more currently due to the murder of an innocent black man by racist police which gave rise to Black Lives Matter direct action protests which many Anarchists / Leftists are joining in to help fight against the injustice.

Because of that, because of the COVID-19 / Coronavirus crisis which is still going on as well as the others, 

A big question is “ Is Brand New Episodes of Beavis & Butt-head “ an appropriate answer to heal the masses funny bones during these tragic times ?

The popularity of Satire is questionable. Les Guignols De L’info was under threat of cancelation in 2015 but was canceled in 2018, Mad Magazine ended in 2019, Spitting Image’s return could be later this year on Britbox.

Mad Magazine has been one of the most strongest influencers to popular satire since the 1950s. William Gaines once mentioned that the magazine itself was liberal and later in the 1980s he mentioned that the magazine took no sides.

But as I mentioned earlier , a satirists’ political ideology is the key to the written satire.

Those who are neither Liberal or Conservative can be apolitical ( unlikely if they are a satirist ) , centrist , Libertarian Party / Independent ( usually the majority of American satirists in modern times next to Democrat voting Liberals ) , or LEFTISTS ( the least popular satirist who more than ever would not ever be given the opportunity to work within the system today ).

The caricatures of liberals seen in the original run of Beavis & Butt-head as well as Daria are tame compared to South Park.

As Trey Parker & Matt Stone once expressed “We hate Conservatives but WE REALLY HATE LIBERALS ! “

This brings me back to the following questions,

What is considered the left ? What is considered satirizing liberalism ? And is satirizing liberalism / progressivism / cancel culture and political correctness the same as satirizing the left ?


Most people, especially Americans are NOT aware of class conscious and leftism.

If anything, leftism is often discriminated , misunderstood and stereotyped.

You probably heard many of these yourself.

The ideas of all Communism is totalitarian and often compared to current Countries like Russia and China instead of separating what true Left Communism is like The Black Panther Party stood for.

Or even the idea that Socialism means ending up like a third world country which not only is prejudice and xenophobic but also ignoring what socialism really is.

Anarchists are often viewed from the actions of “ Insurrectionary Anarchists “ and whenever ANTIFA confronts a dangerous Alt-Right / Fascist propaganda rally out of defense against Hate, Speech and Violence, ANTIFA is immediately demonized and humiliated just like what Trevor Noah did on The Daily Show.

Gay Marriage has legalized in 2015 and there’s more awareness about Transgender / Non-Binary people than ever before, and as a Transgender Lesbian Woman I am very grateful for this awareness.

However, did any of this as well as Rainbow Capitalism stop prejudice hate and fear against LGBTQ+ people ? No.

Likewise, if Liberals wanted fast food restaurants to have papercups and paperbags say “ Black Lives Matter “ , promote the idea that it’s racist for anyone who’s white to perform the voice of a Black character or even a Celebrity who happens to be Black even if it was done in a respectful NON-RACIST manner - it’s considered cancel culture , and does any of those things really and truly stop racism ? NO ! The problem is capitalism. It’s class struggle.

But as I read somewhere, Black Leftists are often ignored and not taken as seriously as Black Liberals.


South Park today is NOT the same South Park it was back in the late 1990s and early 2000s when the show was good in my opinion. But still, it was attracting conservative viewership to the point where books like “ South Park Conservatives “ were being written.

And in recent times, because the current South Park’s targets are mostly “ ANTI-Political Correctness “ , it’s gaining popularity with the Alt-Right.

The very show that can be irreverent but at the same time show empathy, sympathy and awareness such as the Ms Garrison Pro-Transgender episodes are long forgotten and instead we have Politically Correct Liberal Progressives with a Toxic Masculine caricature.

One being a bearded muscular wrestler character who beats women and claims to be a Post-Op Transgender Woman on HRT ( from what I’ve heard ) .

Liberalism is not Leftists, but Leftists do Left Wing politics BETTER because we are class conscious ! Hierarchical Power over others is the problem.

With Mike Judge’s past failure such as the all anti-liberal “ Goodie Family “ which goes further than Mr. Van Driessen on Beavis & Butt-head , as well as how King Of The Kill could be seen as Pro-Conservative, The big question is… why is this the most important political issue to satirize ?

Spitting Image came out against the fascistic / neoliberalism of far right wing politicians Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan . 

Many people were becoming unemployed, the homeless population was increasing , and even though I wasn’t around or even in the same country as Spitting Image’s popularity in the 1980s , like Les Guignols De L’info , it’s not like it’s just an adult comedy puppet show with fictional characters. Both were Topical political satire shows and way more razor sharp than Saturday Night Live.

So if the reason for going after liberals is simply because 

“ The world is becoming way too politically correct and over sensitive over nothing. All this social justice warriors and cancel culture. All I see is a bunch of adults acting like babies. GROW UP ! LIFE ISN’T FAIR ! Not everyone is going to respect your identity ! Why don’t you get up off your ass, work your way out of debt to economic security, settle down with someone who generally likes and is attracted to you and JUST TAKE SOME F**KING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY INSTEAD OF BOTHERING EVERYONE ! YOUR AN ADULT NOW, ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU, NO ONE ELSE ! LIBERALS, WAKE THE F**K UP ! “

Then, how can this possibly be satire ? Satire has always been a left wing tradition.

This sounds like siding with the enemy known as Authoritarianism to me.

I can go on about how South Park and everyone else failed at attacking liberalism like the South Park episode “ Die Hippie Die “ where neo-hippies are stereotyped as drug addict liberals. The 1960s was in fact a very spiritual times. Not only was New Thought / New Age Spirituality a great alternative from the religious right but there was a giant Anti-Authoritarian Counter-Culture. Also leftists such as Abbie Hoffman & Jerry Rubin of The Yippies ( The Youth International Party - which was Anarchist by the way since there was no Political Party but a Political Philosophy, Hilarious Satirical Prank Guerrilla Theater Protests and Activist Movements. ) , Bobby Seale & Angela Davis of The Black Panther Party and yes even John Lennon himself.

And let’s not forget the many other inspirational civil rights activists like Martin Luther King Jr as well as Noam Chomsky who was promoting Anarchism in Intellectual Debates.

So what made Beavis & Butt-head so great in the first place ?

It was a satire on Toxic Masculinity since it’s first animated short “ Frog Baseball “ was shown at the Spike & Mike Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation.

Before the internet, this was the hotspot for independent underground cartoon animators and their short films.

The reason why pop culture was great in the first place, was that it USED to have somewhat decent executive producers who welcomed creative freedom and creator control over their shows. Even though the conglomerate would own the copyright and trademark over the show, dictate if the show was over, the less show notes the better of course ;) , but some show creators were also rewarding with a certain percentage over the merchandise.

If you were going to work within the system, you would need to be referred or discovered.

And if you have a sense of Ego, such narcissism will come back and haunt you. 

The documentary “ Happy Happy Joy Joy : The Ren & Stimpy Story “ can be served as a great example.

There were good somewhat liberal executives which made the artists who worked within the system’s dream come true.

But today, if you were a satirist who was left leaning, most likely then not, you wouldn’t make it passed an executive’s interest.

It’s all about fighting for creative control.

But keep in mind, this was before YouTube and Crowdfunding.

In the case of Beavis & Butt-head, Mike Judge had creative freedom and the people who worked on it had a good time. That’s the best way a show can be done.

As I said before, Beavis & Butt-head was a satire on Toxic Masculinity.

It started out as a general satirical observation and caricature of Juvenile Delinquency with a very skeptical / cynical view rather than relating it to class struggle.

The morals and ethics of the satire which is Beavis & Butt-head is a simple one.

“ Don’t become like Beavis & Butt-head. Don’t let the future generations of teenage boys end up like Beavis & Butt-head. “

Beavis & Butt-head in the first few seasons were much more darker satirical caricatures then what they ended up becoming. Originally they were violent , bullies, extremely destructive, drug experimenters, and anti-social. 

Beavis & Butt-head of course ended up becoming ignorant comedy duos who laughed at any innuendo that came to mind.

Beavis would be a character with a love of gross toilet humor which I’ve always appreciated about the show. But as highlighted in the “ It’s a Wonderful Life “ parody , the show revealed a heart which wasn’t just another “ Oh there’s ol’ Gullible Mr. Van Driessen , that liberal / progressive hippie who always thinks positive about humanity even though he always gets physically hurt somehow “ gag ( Which of course, I thought he was a lovable positive character on the show even if he was just seen as an anti-liberal / anti-left wing caricature. ) .

Beavis WAS different than Butt-head.

In the episode, it revealed that Beavis was in truth the vulnerable outcast who could succeed without Butt-head ( who was pretty much a self-centered and narcissistic ) .

The Miracle of Beavis highlighted this a little bit too.

If Beavis was friends with Stuart, he would be more like Stuart and help the homeless in the soup kitchen.

This was the truth about Beavis.

The “ It’s a Wonderful Life “ parody episode revealed that it was BUTT-HEAD who was the real villain, not Beavis.

This was the hidden heart of the show. The empathy and sympathy which we should have for Beavis.

But of course out of the two, Beavis is probably the favorite out of the two as Stimpy would be of Ren & Stimpy.

This is one of the important elements of satire, empathy / sympathy as it is with life.

When the show ended with the final season after the movie, and of course the episode “Beavis & Butt-head are Dead “ , 

it does feel like a satisfying closer to the show.

Fans are always excited to see Beavis & Butt-head make a surprise appearance which they often did through the years.

Even in 3D right before the Jackass 3D Movie ( which was the only reason why I went to see it . ) 

One of the other great things about Beavis & Butt-head that was most memorable was the anti-establishment satirical commentaries on the music videos.

The earlier seasons didn’t have it as much but the mid - later seasons was just as funny as Mystery Science Theater 3000.

It was a different side to the characters, they were now the voices of the frustrated viewer of crass media as MST3K was.

This is another favorite part of the show that I enjoy.

The show was revived for MTV2 in 2011,

There was some interesting moments like an episode “ Crying “ which looks like it was inspired by a specific Mad Magazine parody where Butt-head dies and Beavis has no sympathy for, which elderly caricatures were very similar to the Mad Magazine ones.

But it still didn’t have the satirical charm the original one did.

One of the things that is often said is that the youth are left leaning while the middle age are more right leaning, even middle aged liberals are more for civility instead of liberating direct action protests.

Perhaps the same could be said with satirists or any creative talent that worked within the system if wealthy or just having a longtime freelance career with many fans who enjoy the labor they created as a worker.

Anger and Dissatisfaction is the spirit of the liberating soul. 

It’s what gave us music like Rock & Roll which could be used to promote the sexual revolution or protest the Vietnam War despite authoritarians calling it “ The Devil’s Music “.

But with most people, famous or not, there’s a false sense of “Growing Up”.

I don’t think someone changing in life has to do with age, but in teenhood there are many outcasts who just want to fit in.

Despite the subject of the store “ Hot Topic “ itself ( when it was mainly a Punk / Goth / Ego subculture clothes store ) , you had people who could deeply identify with it creatively or those who just wanted to be cool aka poser.

It’s no wonder that many of the greatest and influential people were their most influential when they were younger rather when they were older.

David Zucker & Mel Brooks were hilariously brilliant during their heyday but now complain about political correctness and side slightly right politically. David Zucker became conservative in 2001 and the ZAZ movies weren’t as funny as their early classics.

Terry Gilliam was the American born member of Monty Python and best known for his cut-out animation which not only inspired South Park but the standard in digital animation software today. Today, he complains about Transgender Woman.

Matt Groening’s Life In Hell, Futurama and Classic Simpsons is one of the greatest satires and adult animation comedy shows in history. Today The Simpsons ( Zombie Simpsons / Jerk-Ass Humor ) is hated by most fans because the show has gone downhill since Season 9 onwards. Currently there was stories about a babysitter who called him out as being racist as well as Matt himself getting a foot massage from a teenage prostitute on Jeffrey Epstein plane. 

And John Kricfalusi…. Ok, perhaps this is getting dark…

Anyway, when a White CisHet Man succeeds in capitalism regardless if they have creative talent or not, they will be treated in a respectful way unlike minorities and female bodied women in general.

They are promoted every day by the capitalist ruling class hierarchical system as normal and superior.

So of course they feel like they have a choice politically.

This alone separates the White CisHet Man who has a house, wife and kids as well as Middle Class Income to support it all from the youth in poverty, low income, struggling with unemployment and college debt.

It’s class struggle.

If Beavis & Butt-head were non-fictional, their life story would be more sad than amusing.

They could support Trump and be vulnerable enough to fall into the Alt-Right Fascism.

There’s struggle with men who suffer in Toxic Masculinity which their tough ego will defend himself from being reminded of vulnerable feelings they desperately need to face and accept positively. 

The idea that Juvenile Delinquency and Toxic Masculinity is due to a DNA / Neurology / IQ problem rather than a class problem, IS A PART THE PROBLEM !

It’s so easily to hate those who are hateful. It’s so easy to demonize criminals ant anti-social crime. It’s even understandable to dislike those who have hurt you and did you wrong.

But as an Anarchist, I know that it’s very important for the masses to understand that hierarchical power is the root cause of political problems.

Even though Beavis & Butt-head has painted the Anarchist symbol on Mr. Anderson’s house or even made the lawn into making the Anarchist symbol, Anarchy does not mean chaos. Hierarchy is chaos.

Beavis & Butt-head was originally meant to be a satire on Toxic Masculinity.

But now they are just seen as a comedy duo because they are perceived as being not very smart, still acting anti-social but comes more from ignorance and impulsiveness and perhaps a love of destruction for it’s own sake.

Beavis & Butt-head will always be important in the history of pop culture and animation / television satire.

But in a time and age of knowledge on the internet, youth becoming smarter , less tolerant of prejudice, some even being open minded to Spirituality and Anarchism ,

is New Beavis & Butt-head from Mike Judge and Viacom something this world needs right now ?

Especially news coming in that Beavis & Butt-head will now be fathers ?

It sounds like a fan-fiction joke than a brilliant idea.

I don’t expect the revival to be as good as the original.

Like usual, it’s just a way to keep up Mike Judge’s income if the merchandise isn’t selling.

I would rather see a complete DVD box set or something for their 25th anniversary. 

Something that would be even better than the fan collective “ King Turd Collection “ .

In my opinion, that’s the best way to celebrate Beavis & Butt-head’s legacy.

Not a crass revival.

The 2011 revival was exciting at the time, but as I look back in it, it’s not as good as the original.

I honestly think that NEW Beavis & Butt-head episodes would fail more than the 2011 revival.

Perhaps occasional TV specials or another Halloween Special or Christmas Special would be much better. Or even another animated movie.

The focus really should be on the characters, not attacking liberalism from a conservative / right wing Libertarian perspective which is exactly what happened to South Park.

Could the anger be that those who made stuff in the 1990s feel like they failed the Millennials ?

Still, Beavis & Butt-head are loved by their fans but are more limited than ever in today’s world.

It’s not the fault of society. Beavis & Butt-head are just outdated caricatures.

Like Idiocracy , it’s a great piece of satirical film history but the idea of IQ / DNA / Neurology being the problem of societal collapse instead of Capitalism sides more with Authoritarianism and not as liberating as a leftist satire could answer the same question through satire.

_ Erica

 #anarchist #anarchism #leftist #leftism #beavisandbutthead #mikejudge #treyparker #mattstone #spittingimage #lesguignols #lesguignolsdelinfo #satire #satirist #satiretheory #popculture #comiccon #Millennials #generationZ #youthculture #MTV #comedycentral #fandom #90s #1990s #animation #animated #cartoon #cartoons #blog #blogger



Personal Site : ericacrooks.weebly.com

General Site : officialericcrooks.weebly.com

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Posted by officialericcrooks - July 14th, 2020

New Twitter Account announcement


My Twitter account ( @ crooks_erica ) is locked but still visible ( until Twitter shuts it down , if they do. ).

According to Twitter " Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior that violates the Twitter Rules " whatever that's suppose to mean lol . 

Twitter is probably one of the easiest social media platforms to get in trouble with for absolutely nothing. 

I've read recently that the Twitter Algorithm is messing things up, what else is new. It's like if someone like's something or posts to fast, LOCKED ! I'm not sure if it's due to some sort of modern day Red Scare or they just don't like me satirizing them but as I've mentioned back in December during YouTube Walkout, it's Internet Capitalists that ruin the internet. They are nothing without their users. Don't allow them to turn the internet into one big Netflex / Amazon because that's not what the whole entire internet is all about !

Anyway, Twitter had locked my account since July 5th. This is OFFICIAL backup # 1. It's to be expected with internet capitalism. If they delete the other account, this will take it's place. If the old one returns, this will be used as backup.

Check out,


And as usual, the official websites are ericacrooks.weebly.com and officialericcrooks.weebly.com and the links to social media are on https://linktr.ee/officialericcrooks

#ericacrooks #officialericcrooks 

My Twitter username is crooks_erica. I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen or why, but one thing is for sure, when you live in an age of internet capitalism , these kinds of inconveniences are to be expected. As I stated before, if something were to happen to any of the accounts, make sure to tune into ( & subscribe ) to as many as you can instead of just one if you can so you will know what’s happening. I’ll keep you all updated.

. _ Erica

P.S. Twitter is doing this to it’s users for money.



Posted by officialericcrooks - July 10th, 2020

It's been 5 years since my first film screening. And in the next two years, the same can be said with the other events. :)



Posted by officialericcrooks - July 9th, 2020


So I don't know what's going on regarding Noam Chomsky in this matter. I want to think that Noam Chomsky supports LGBTQ+ Rights as well as Transgender rights just as much as any Anarchist does because Noam Chomsky HIMSELF claims to be an Anarchist. This isn't in the matter of , let's give the 91 year old a break because that within itself is ageist. This is in the matter of Anarchist principles. Before you can really talk and stand by an issue, you need to understand it from both points of view. As a Leftist / Anarchist we know more than the Right / Fascists think, that the Right / Fascism / Hierarchy is Poison to humanity. Noam Chomsky is always looked at as one of the most influential Anarchist writers in history, especially modern history. There's many great things to say about Noam Chomsky. However, and even as a Professor of two Universities, he's surrounded by young adult all the time. There's MANY Transgender Anarchists out there ! If Noam Chomsky sides with J.K. Rowling in terms of Free Speech against Cancel Culture and not even debating and Challenging her ignorance regarding Transphobia, then of course we will soon see hashtags that state " Noam Chomsky Is Over Party " , because as an Anarchist , Noam Chomsky needs to LISTEN TO PEOPLE ! 

If he shuts them off, THAT IS CANCEL CULTURE ! If an artist can only perform the voice of a cartoon character that's their own skin color, gender identity, etc, THAT is Cancel Culture ! It's one thing if non-white voice artists are not getting as much work as white voice artists do, it's not an art issue, it's a class struggle problem which ties into racism. That's like saying you can't point out the fact that Oprah Winfrey is rich because that's racist which it is not, THAT'S ALSO CANCEL CULTURE ! With all the young Anarchists out there, I congratulate them as well as Transgender individuals, allies and other leftists who unite against the ignorant TERF transphobia of J.K. Rolling. And as a Transgender Lesbian Woman, I too, fight against such transphobia. Noam Chomsky needs to be reminded that Anarchists are against "HATE SPEECH" and are all for deplatforming anyone who has no point to make other than "Hate Speech". Why else would ANTIFA because hacktivists and try to shut down cyberbully / cyberstalker / Alt-Right websites? Anarchists are against hierarchy, does Noam Chomsky need to be reminded of his Anarchist principles or does a fellow Anarchist need to educate him about the struggles of Transgender people ? Because that's exactly what Anarchists are suppose to do. If a fellow Anarchist is ignorant, a fellow friendly Anarchist is going to correct their ignorance with proper knowledge. And if discussion / debate needs to go on in order for understanding even if it is tireless, so be it. I think many Anarchists / BreadTubers need to be reminded of this. If they can't handle it, why are they an Anarchist ? Sure we have busy lives, but ignorance is NO EXCUSE ! Cancel Culture means no room for discussion. Well there is discussion so therefore it's not Cancel Culture. _ Erica 

Update : An Interesting Video relating to this.


#noamchomsky #anarchy #anarchist #anarchists #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #libertariansocialist #libertariansocialism #anarchocommunist #anarchocommunism #trans #transgender #transphobia #translivesmatter #transwomanarewomen #transanarchist #transanarchism #transgenderanarchists #anarchoqueer #queeranarchist #queeranarchism #anarchofeminist #anarchofeminism #jkrowlingisaterf #deplatformjkrowling #canceljkrowling #jkrowlingistransphobic #jkrowlingisoverparty #transequalitynow


Posted by officialericcrooks - June 18th, 2020

Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney+, Apple+, etc are considered the modern-day television.

We've noticed in previous months that new movies decided to premiere on digital home entertainment on demand instead of people going to the movie theatre cinema. Sure we see a revival to the classic drive-in but still , because of the internet age where ALMOST everything can be achieved by viewing a computer or LED HD Television screen , what does this say regarding home entertainment, movies, television, and yes ... even DVDs , Blu-ray , CDs, Print Books and Media, offline stuff for those who remember what I'm talking about. lol Plastic, paper, do I need to say more or should I keep explaining myself. lol 

But seriously, would people NOT mind DVDs, Blu-ray, CDs, Print Books and Media, Television Cable and Movie Theaters disappearing while Spotify , Amazon Music, Apple Music / iTunes / Apple +, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney,+, etc take it's place ?

Also what if it's not just to keep up with the advancement of technology. What if it's meant to stomp out leftist anti-capitalist / anti-copyright culture and politics ?


#anticopyright #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #classwar #classconsciousness #DVDs #blueray #entertainment #entertainmentindustry #movies #culture #art #television #streaming #netflix #hulu #hbomax #apple #iTunes #spotify #amazon #internetculture #movietheaters #cinema #homeentertainment #media #books #technology #internet #computer
