Erica Crooks ( puppeteer , cartoon animator , indie filmmaker , cartoonist , satirist , etc ) Check Out more crazy toons & rude puppets on officialericcrooks.weebly.com ericacrooks.weebly.com
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Erica Crooks @officialericcrooks

Age 36, Female

Indie Filmmaker

Joined on 1/6/14

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officialericcrooks's News

Posted by officialericcrooks - May 4th, 2019

Is Satire the Ultimate Controversial Taboo ?

Is the World Too Sensitive for Satire ?

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/is-satire-the-ultimate-controversial-taboo-is-the-world-too-sensitive-for-satire/1982286781872030/

Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/184657770476/is-satire-the-ultimate-controversial-taboo-is

Blogger : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2019/05/is-satire-ultimate-controversial-taboo.html

WordPress : officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/2019/05/05/is-satire-the-ultimate-controversial-taboo-is-the-world-too-sensitive-for-satire/

I’m sure you probably remember the old saying “ Never ever talk to people about religion and politics . “ The thing that I quickly understood is that there was a lot of sacred cows in which people would sweep under the rug and leave alone.

Right Wing people think anyone who’s left leaning , leftists and minorities are wicked demons from Hell that want to destroy everyone , everywhere and everything creating the most hellish of dystopias. I’ve already said in my previous blog videos and articles that it’s nothing more but right wing people using scapegoats to attack us. Why ? Because they are sociopaths of course. I recommend Section B of The Anarchist FAQ for more information on that.


In my most recent blog articles and videos I have talked about something pure and simple. The World needs love but we live in a world of hate and fear. And I know this is something that most people seek , I’ve been talking in a video for about an hour and that is just one of many. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MFuYrhmyLo

Today I would like to talk about the subject of “ SATIRE “ again and no I don’t think Satire is bad vibrational energy because everyone’s triggers are something individuals needs to heal from within. http://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2018/12/anarchism-satire-is-not-bad-vibrational.html

What is satire anyway ? Well , satire in my opinion is political literature and entertainment. I’ve seen a pattern relating to satire and left leaning people as well as arts , entertainment , comedy , and rock and pop music for the most part . 

How satire works is the satirist makes fun of all the vices and follies they spot and they exaggerate it to the point where it’s comical . However the thing about a sense of humor is the one who has it needs to generally be well educated and “ EMOTIONALLY STABLE “ . 

A great example of this is when I had a film screening in February 2017 and there was a sign that clearly said “ Adult Puppetry and Rude Cartoons “ . Obviously this does not look family friendly in the mid late 2010s according to society norms . But there are adults who are not very emotionally stable. “ OOOH ! That Erica Crooks ! HOW DISGUSTING ! For a Transgender Woman , I expected better from her ! “

 Want to see the oh so sinful , evil film that I made that isn’t very sinful and evil at all ?

In fact , it was satire.


Now at the time I write this very blog article , I just got done with releasing the 6th part of my adult puppet and cartoon show ( yes again , satire ) “ The Erica Crooks Show “ 


If there was anything that would upset anyone , it might be a parody I did referencing how Sesame Street had became strongly liberal politically within the past 10 years. Now most left leaning people are liberal , however Sesame Street had become political in a sense within the last 10 years regarding stuff that Anarchists ( which I am too ) would debate.

Police and Military , but also Sesame Street had promoted the hell out of their next main character “ Julia “ , the first Muppet with Autism. Now when I think of a puppet that has major mental disabilities I’m thinking “ Special Ed “ from Crank Yankers. Basically that’s politically incorrect humor and of course the show would aim on a right wing libertarian which is the other norm in politics and Adam Carolla being right wing conservative ( and controversially not funny ) . Now am I ablest ? The answer is no. I have a friend who has high functioning autism and I see him as a person. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in childhood and even recently last year as a 30 year old adult . 

I do believe people with certain personality types get diagnosed with such , like me as an INFP , me as a Transgender Lesbian. I made a video about that called iNtuitive Discrimination right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEV24baR0H4

Perhaps people with disabilities get discriminated all the time. I won’t be surprised. My friend which I have mentioned told me stories of how some guys would throw eggs at him while taking a walk , I even hurt my friend get bullied while we chatted over the phone. Do you think I was laughing ? NO FREAKIN’ WAY , I was concerned about my friend. That’s would friends should do. Now with Sesame Street having an autistic Muppet , do I feel that was the right thing to do ? Well look here , if you remember Classic Sesame Street , they had a human cast member ( and I think Bob’s girlfriend ) named Linda and the character as well as the actress were Deaf . https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Linda But the character disappeared with the actress who left the show. So when it comes to Sesame Street talking about subject matter like disabilities , they already did it. Richard Hunt performed a blind Muppet Monster in one season in the early 1980s , it’s strange because it’s a Muppet so if you did it already with a human …. There was a writer on Sesame Street who had a kid with autism or down syndrome which there was a few segments on Sesame Street with Ernie in the early 1980s . The point Sesame Street was making back then was acceptance .

Sesame Street had become a totally different show now and EXTREMELY cutesy.

In my parody of Sesame Street “ Liberal Street “ I was making the argument that the show used to be a hilarious comedy show that was also educational to kids which the family could enjoy on all levels . Today it’s turned into just another one of those cliche little kid shows that older kids , teens and adults make fun of on a regular basis which is really sad for me as a HUGE fan of classic Muppets. The Liberal Street sketch was also being horribly sarcastic in how it claims to be so revolutionary that things that ACTUALLY DO HAPPEN WITH DISABLED CHILDREN such as meltdowns are barely mentioned. 

It’s very debatable if kids should receive the classic message of equality no matter what or get a huge lecture . But again as an Anarchist , the Liberal Street sketch was more of a satire on liberal politics , Sesame Street switching their format due to struggling to survive financially despite the show already going downhill since the mid / late 1990s . 

In no means was the satire about “ HEY LET’S MAKE FUN OF DISABLED PEOPLE ! “ despite the fact a disabled puppet enters near the end of the sketch , the point was really playing a character who’s easily startled , especially when the Liberal host character screams in their face in joy and completely ignoring the fact they scared him and it’s not appropriate to have someone in his condition on a television show just to help boost ratings . Also the satire is how liberals just see them not as disabled but thinking outside the box even though they lit the set on fire screaming in terror and confusion. So the joke is the liberal is way too busy being delusional thinking everything around them is happy and great while ignoring the disabled character who’s in terror and all he really needs is someone to comfort him and someone to put THE DAMN FIRE OUT !


Will most people get the joke or do they think it’s of bad taste of me EVEN mentioning a subject that’s taken seriously and dare to make it into comedy ? Disgusting isn’t it ?

Well satire isn’t “ Shock for the sake of shock “ , it’s to make you think.

As an Anarchist the scary truth of the world is people would rather not think for themselves and be codependent . 

Another example ( not necessarily satire or humor ) but I can put a blog video talking about “ Even though I’m different , I love me for who I am even though people will hate me for being different. “


Heck most of my videos on youtube get thumbs down even if I did something happy and friendly which I tend to do in my blog videos anyways.


It’s like you have to conform to being a cisgender white heterosexual man and be a blindly obeying supporter of authoritarian politics if you don’t want to get bullied. 

There’s a book with a great title called “ What you think of me is none of my business . “

Some of that is true , but again we live in a world of hate and fear. How wonderful would it be if it was easy to find people who would love you for who you are and not stab you in the back or insult you and humiliate you on the internet even if you did absolutely nothing wrong.

There’s two kinds of toxic people in this world , those with money which equals more power and those who don’t have money. They are still just as toxic. If Trump was an average narcissist with little money , people would still not like him.

On the other hand we have a bunch of people who are submissive and feel absolutely powerless . So they fall into depression , use addictions to num the pain , etc.

People want an exit from this misery . May I make a few suggestions ?

( 1. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine and something to survive in this game called life.

( 2. If your an innocent person and you lived a rough life , it’s not your fault.

As an Anarchist , I know for a fact you are not alone. http://anarchism.pageabode.com/afaq/index.html

( 3. Regardless where you are at or even in jail or you have only a month to live or live on a small island , use Law of Attraction.


So going back to satire , are people too miserable , not very intelligent and emotionally unstable to accept satire ?

I remember awhile back while walking to a local coffee shop , I found a screenplay near the road all dirty with torn pages and all. I contacted the writer who told me that he hired someone to pass his script along with his motorcycle. I guess this person took advantage of his guy. This guy had it rough , he was going through a messy divorce and wanted to make a living in Hollywood California as a Romance Movie screenplay writer.

I showed him my satire work and he hated it and he told me that he didn’t like Robert Crumb. He explained to me that he was tired and sick of seeing the bad things in life and he just wants simple entertainment that would make him smile.

I hear this a lot. People want entertainment that would help them escape reality , or someone wants sitcom slapstick humor just to get away from the frustration of politics and their horrible life.

Rik Mayall mentioned in a 1999 interview that there’s people who just need a laugh like a drug or a drink. Even people will start to giggle to a noise of a fart at a funeral because it’s like a little bubble of bliss even though they are taught it’s a taboo and they will be hated for it. “ But when we are happy , we can laugh out of joy ! “

Remember years ago when people used to read BOOKS ? People have gotten angry with me for tying long emails , people just want to read a two sentence comment on the internet and that’s it. It’s all about video not blog articles or comics , and that’s a real same , and it’s quite philistine and anti-intellectual in my opinion.

People are too busy making ends meet with individual self concern. They want leftist Anarchists such as my self to shut the hell up ! Their life is sad already and I’m just making things worse. Why don’t I just go away and leave them the hell alone !

Oh so buying something for yourself is the answer to your problems then ?

How about your addictions ? What about those thoughts when people treated you wrong ? How about those endless nights of the lack of sleep as the past keeps haunting you ?

For those who are awaken to the truth that the world needs love but we live in a world of hate and fear , perhaps we are lightworkers in some way. There’s people like me that seek to look outside the box. However there’s many who only think inside the box , why ?



Finally I would like to point out that I have made many of these points already however people tend to continue acting like they do because they don’t listen , they don’t want to listen. They feel better when they are putting me down. 

They just love bullying innocent people just because they are different.



Like minded people should stick together .

Finally I would like to note that one of my missions in life is to reach out to like minded people. I am a Heyoka Empath so I tend to sake up the bottle for the sake of love and light even though it seems like I would drag everyone to hell first. lol

As I stated in a previous article Internet Social Life , 


I would love to continue doing what I love doing just as long as it has support . So if you enjoy what I do and you can relate to it , feel free to spread the word .

Lightworkers are like Earth Angels to help humanity.

For those who just want to pick on me and bring me down , well the joke is on the bullies because it’s them who are wasting their lives away in hate and fear and not waking up to the truth to better their lives.

_ Erica








 #satire #politicalsatire #satirist #satiric #literature #intelligence #intellectual #anarchy #anarchist #anarchism #infp #infps #psychology #sociology #philosophy #spiritualanarchism #newthought #newage #spirituality #lawofattraction #ericacrooks #officialericcrooks #leftist #leftists #socialist #socialism #unitetheleft #politics #loveconquersall #lightworker


Posted by officialericcrooks - April 23rd, 2019

The World Needs Love

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/the-world-needs-love/1965264433574265/

Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/184399977926/the-world-needs-love

Blogger : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-world-needs-love.html

DeviantArt : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks/journal/The-World-Needs-Love-794996193

I know , thinking about what you want instead of what you don’t want in order to manifest Law of Attraction .

As an Anarchist , I understand why we are all very angry being slaved by hierarchy globally .

But if I think of myself NOT on Planet Earth , and I take a huge big view on the world as a whole and see the whole entire picture , it’s that most people are not fully happy with their lives.

But there’s something about love and security and self confidence and that is , it’s peace that comes from within.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and even forgive the world in our hearts.

Those on the top of the hierarchical pyramid , the ruling class ,

All they have is material prosperity .

All they have is the power to control others.

That’s all they have.

Do they know just how powerful the power of love truly is ? The spiritual power of venerability and tenderness which a baby has for their mother and how cats must feel in a comfortable home ?

Perhaps those who have mastered the Law of Attraction.

I think we all want the best for everyone. Also it’s not easy when you live a life filled with toxic people from the aggressive to the submissive and co-dependent.

And of course it’s this hierarchical system to blame.

Spirituality to me is not just individual self-concern but collective self concern as well.

Anarchism and 5D Earth is so simple because most people just need to unite against hate and fear of hierarchical powers and say ( We are all fine governing ourselves , and your hierarchical services are no longer needed anymore ! We do not want you to have power over us ! )

The problem is that there are many people in this world that refuse to cooperate .

Perhaps your awaken to the truth that “ Love is the Answer “ but there’s many who refuse to accept this. They will deny it’s truth with such aggression or even depressing naysaying .

I kind of feel like the role of therapist in a way because it does seem like these sort need it but not the typical ones who want them to conform to the status quo and give them pills .

But perhaps to open up their hearts to let them now that it’s ok.

Perhaps we are all scared , perhaps we are all angry , perhaps we are all frustrated.

The Good people are scared and angry and frustrated at the aggressive ones with hierarchical powers because they don’t care about us at all no matter how much we suffer because of their evil.

The submissive indifferent ones want to block both the truth and the power of love in their mind and feel much more better with their addictions and superficial social status.

While those hierarchical ones of power over others have their hate and fear and frustrations despite the fact that they have all the material possessions they could ever want , they have the power to blow up the world if they please , if they wanted a New World Order George Orwell 1984 kind of dystopia , they can bring it about as fast as a finger-snap ( or so ) .

But it’s like MAGA supporters , they have the president they want and yet they still are not happy and satisfied !

It’s because they live in fear and hate and frustrations.

So even those the good people have good reasons to feel upset , what about the others ?

The indifferent would rather be left alone in their safe space away from everyone , everywhere and everything out of the fear of being hurt.

Perhaps the same as the hierarchical powerful authority over us.

They live in hate and fear and they don’t take time to be self aware or even question why ?

It’s unconscious and that’s not very healthy. But they don’t care. They think addictions is the answer , they think controlling everyone and everywhere and everything is the answer , they think owning everything is the answer , they think addictions to num the psychological pain which came from their abusive authoritarian parents is the answer.

But it isn’t.

Love is the Answer.

Anarchists and Good people know this.

Perhaps our anger is a passionate one .

So what am I trying to say ?

With the frustrations of life , remember what your goals are.

Remember why you are fighting in the first place.

Remember the power of love and that life isn’t as hell as we think it is.

Suicide isn’t the answer.

Love , Peace , Security comes from within.

Perhaps we can use Law of Attraction as a tool for our Spiritual journey bringing Heaven on Earth and not one or the other. :)


_ Erica

Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )

- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

* LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )

* Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds 

* New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth

* Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism ) 

* Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation



visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com

Also Like , Subscribe , Notification Bell thingy , etc

Facebook: http://facebook.com/officialericcrooks

YouTube : http://youtube.com/user/officialericcrooks

Instagram : http://Instagram.com/officialericcrooks/

Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/

Blogger : http://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/

WordPress: https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com

Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks

Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com/follow

Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/user/officialericcrooks/1

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/officialericcrooks

Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/officialec1/

Twitter: http://twitter.com/crooks_erica

 #love #loveistheanswer #loveconquersall #loveconquershate #loveconquersfear #lovevshate #lovevsfear #fearvslove #hatevslove #soulvsego #egovssoul #spiritualanarchism #spiritualanarchist #lawofattraction #anarchy #anarchist #anarchism #lightworker #lightworkers #infp #powertothepeople #givepeaceachance #peace #5DEarth #newage #newthought #spirituality #spiritual #spirit #healing



Posted by officialericcrooks - April 22nd, 2019

Why Law of Attraction needs Anarchism

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/why-law-of-attraction-needs-anarchism/1962865690480806/

Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/post/184363278696/why-law-of-attraction-needs-anarchism

Blogger : https://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/2019/04/why-law-of-attraction-needs-anarchism.html

DeviantArt : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks/journal/Why-Law-of-Attraction-needs-Anarchism-794786888

If you have seen my articles and blog videos before , you probably know that everything I say I already covered already. But perhaps I left something out or perhaps as time goes on I can say things in a different way than I did before.

And perhaps our feelings matter more than our thoughts and words , not everyone’s definition of something is going to be the same.

I got into The Law of Attraction / New Thought / New Age Spirituality back in 2012 . At the time I was starting to take my telepathy of my Twin Flame seriously realizing that this was a real spiritual entity I am communicating with every single night and not a pretend girlfriend.

In 2016 I finally meet this person face to face and currently working on my Twin Flame Reunion since then. It’s a daily thing.


Law of Attraction plays a very strong role when it comes to Twin Flames. Twin Flames mirror each other’s emotional energy among other things. So if you want Twin Flame Reunion , master Law of Attraction . Simple as that.

You think about what you want , you feel what you want , you will manifest it.

But here’s a thing about me. I’m a lightworker and I’m an INFP.

Perhaps I can manifest what I want for my individual life but what if I wanted something not just for myself but the whole world to enjoy ?

As an artist , as a truth seeker , as an Anarchist.

Some lightworkers have a very special mission in life. LOVE ! Self Confidence !

Being a teacher of Law of Attraction ! Helping people out of poverty !

While there’s some lightworkers with bigger mission than others.

We can’t just go around denying our frustrations with the world.

Take a look at this video of a lightworker , I can so relate.


As I addressed many times in my blog articles and blog videos , the big problem I have with many teachers of The Law of Attraction / New Age / New Thought / 5D Earth / Spirituality is their politics.

Law of Attraction and Spirituality is very important . However when you ignore all other truths about “ Why the world is the way it is “ or perhaps being indifferent about it , not only does it alienate you from life but also yourself.

I got into The Secret since 2012 , however I got into Anarchism in 2017.

So yes , there was blog videos and stuff where I believed in things I shouldn’t have.

From 2013 - 2014/2015 , I was a member of the Bob Proctor Streaming Club / Bob Proctor’s Six Minutes to Success.

Bob Proctor is great about self esteem and philosophy , and I would consider him to be ( right wing ) Libertarian / Anarcho-Capitalist , NT personality type of some sort .

However it was THE TRUTH about capitalism that I didn’t know anything about until recent years.

Bob Proctor in The Secret talked about how the 1% earns all the money thanks to Law of Attraction . 

I had absolutely no idea the 1% rules the world are sociopathic monsters and the only reason why money exists HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PROSPERITY BUT POWER OVER OTHERS aka HIERARCHY ! 

A lot of these kinds of teachers will make you believe “ When you are Rich , You can be a good person or a bad person . “

But no one talks about wage slavery !

Artists and people I admire are pretty much left wing and a part of the working class.

It is true that Jim Henson owned a company of hundreds of artists and had several homes and vacations , but he was no capitalist. He was going to sell everything off to Disney possibly to go back to his roots. He knew that he was an artist first and foremost.

And he never acted like a boss and was equal to all he hired who were also his friends.

This is extremely rare for anyone who owns a business.

Frank Oz even made a documentary a few years back “ Muppet Guys Talking “ .

The reason why Jim Henson got into business is because he knew THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY TO SUCCED AS AN ARTIST !

And a lot of people think that way even though with the internet and how you can buy pretty much ANYTHING and do it yourself and just having the ability to do ANYTHING you want to do and become.

So anyway , I went down a rocky road of trying to figure all of this out before I got into Anarchism. I was rejected by Comedy Central , [ adult swim ] , Mondo Media and even Troma Entertainment .

Here’s the thing. If I want to succeed as an artist and become right and famous , then my mindset would need to be about becoming prosperous through capitalism and not ART .

NonCompete has made a great point with this video about that as well as science .


I have meet artists who only cared about succeeding in business but just didn’t know how.

I hate to seem like I’m playing devil’s advocate here but I’m just saying this IN THEORY !

If my calculations are correct thanks to the MBTI , you reach to the majority of personality types which is an Extroverted Sensor society.

The ruling class did it for you already , all you do is dumb down everything , make everything the “ status quo “ , 


( right wing ) Libertarian / Anarcho-Capitalism , INTJ personality type

Made this relating article and video called

“ Stupidity is profitable “


However the problem is that it is quote possible some personality types are born more to be open to Anarchism while other personality types are taught hate and fear through authoritarian parenting.


I’ve talked many times of why I think Law of Attraction needs Anarchism.

If you want the best , focus on the best.

BUT people don’t realize that the system is trying to keep us away from what we want !

So here’s the big question .

Individual Self-Concern

Do you only care about having the best life for yourself to the point where you do not mind taking advantage of people in order to achieve it ?


Collective Self-Concern 

Do you also care about yourself as well as your like minded people and humanity and wanting nothing but good things for everyone ?

People need to exit the liberal / conservative / capitalist mindset.

MONEY IS NOT A GENUIS INVENTION ! It’s a SLAVE TOOL that chains our human needs.

If everyone’s needs were meet , people would work out of joy and that is why I am an Anarcho-Communist.

So when you do use Law of Attraction please be mindful of what your thoughts are.

We need that balance between happiness for yourself as well as others.

My problem is I’m so self-less that I think more of others than myself. lol

I’m working on it.

_ Erica

To learn why Capitalism is NOT Prosperity

Please do your research with these recommended resources


( Audiobook version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aRYJZuBctA&list=PLTQuxw8TiSNB3SfoTGCp7FniqCbmynZeq&index=87&t=274s )

Libertarian Socialist Rants




Anarchist Pinterest


Why Law of Attraction NEEDS Anarchism

#anticapitalist #anticapitalism #lightworker #infp #infps #twinflame #twinflames #thesecret #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction #manifest #manifestation #manifested #newage #newagespirituality #newthought #newthoughtspirituality #spirituality #spiritual #5DEarth #5D #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #newworldorder #thenewworldorder #illuminati #twinsoul #twinsouls #spiritualanarchism

Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )

- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

* LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )

* Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds 

* New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth

* Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism ) 

* Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation



visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com

Also Like , Subscribe , Notification Bell thingy , etc

Facebook: http://facebook.com/officialericcrooks

YouTube : http://youtube.com/user/officialericcrooks

Instagram : http://Instagram.com/officialericcrooks/

Tumblr : https://officialericcrooks.tumblr.com/

Blogger : http://officialericcrooks.blogspot.com/

WordPress: https://officialericcrooks.wordpress.com

Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks

Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com/follow

Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/user/officialericcrooks/1

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/officialericcrooks

Newgrounds: http://officialericcrooks.newgrounds.com

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/officialec1/

Twitter: http://twitter.com/crooks_erica


Posted by officialericcrooks - April 9th, 2019

When LOVE is all you Got

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/notes/erica-crooks/when-love-is-all-you-got/1943320399102002/

Wordpress : officialericcrooks.wordpress.com/2019/04/09/when-love-is-all-you-got/

Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks/journal/When-Love-is-all-you-Got-793091893

I’ve been making a lot of blog videos since 2015 and more so in 2018 after a year of getting into Anarchism , 


I even started a presentation style video similar to those old Powerpoint presentations for those who remember what the heck I’m talking about.


As well as Season 12 of The Erica Crooks Show at the time I’ve written this blog article thing.


As well as comics 


and blog articles like this. 

Also by blogs on




I feel this whole entire time regardless of how many people hate me for what I am , what I say and what I do , I am being spiritually guided while doing so.

Many times it seems like I would be murdered for it all but perhaps it’s stuff that people need to wake up to.

It’s interesting because if your a right wing bigot hurting innocent people and you blindly obey your lords and masters it really does seem like you would have less chances getting hurt than being left wing and or a minority of the oppressed working class ruled by the sociopaths aka The Ruling Class ( The Illuminati of The New World Order unless that’s an invention from the Right Wing Capitalists themselves to expose everything about themselves and blame lefties and minorities as scapegoats. )

And yes it’s quite intense . I know I’m a Heyoka Empath . It explains why I just can’t hate and escape satire , it’s the liberation of the human social.

I know I’m a lightworker because I simply can’t think that life is ok and not superficial .

Law of Attraction and New Thought / New Age Spirituality is what keeps my sanity .

Sure it’s fun being a satirist but yes I too get depressed and PTSD nightmares and stuff , so regardless of how the world is right now , sometimes we just need to take a break and love what exists in life.

This kind of self power has been talked about not only in The Secret but also The Anarchist FAQ .


And I have said over and over in my blog videos and articles that it’s not just an either or but perhaps maybe Spiritual Anarchism . :)

Here’s the thing about the world , Hierarchy is caused by Psychopaths at the top and all of us on the bottom including psychopaths who aren’t as successful being on the top.

Hierarchy is the root of all Evil I think. The reason why Black Magick and Dark Entities exist is because they are ex-humans that act like a non-reincarnated collective just like angels , spirit guides , aliens , etc.

I was trying to do research if there is indeed a cure of Narcissism , Sociopaths , Psychopaths and Dark Triad .

Most people believe there is no cure since these kinds of toxic people believe that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them.

Some have claimed to find a cure but the more I look into it the more it seems to be a fraud. If there was a cure , we won’t have Trump as president.

Does that mean these kinds of people relate to personality types that are TJ / ST personality types ?

What if everyone was meant to be NF ?


So what the heck are we going to do ?

Well I do talk about it a little bit in my video talking about why Hierarchy is wrong and evil .


And I know we are all working on this together.

I can only tell you my perception on revolution which is I much prefer taking revolution in the most peaceful direct action and spiritual action as much as possible.

Even Noam Chomsky says that’s the only possible way to go about it because THESE TOXIC PEOPLE ARE CRAZY !


If we had Anarchist Therapists and Anarchist Mental Health doctors somehow even by force these toxic people into therapy just to cure them , that’s the only way I can see a possible revolution happening in peaceful means next to perhaps a 5D Earth as people’s peaceful manifestations through The Law of Attraction acts as a powerful spiritual collective since love is the highest frequency and hate and fear is a lower frequency.

Either way love is the answer.

I don’t believe violence solves anything.

I do understand why Antifa does what it does . I don’t know how effective they are in what they do but it’s good to know you got people fighting off people who murder and hurt innocent people.


I’m not one to be a member of Antifa but as an Anarchist like Black Blocs even though I do not think their forceful actions are effective , it’s their direct action and like the peace / anti-war movement in the 1960s , everyone is doing whatever they can to make the world a better place. Especially liberals even though trusting the hierarchical systems for social revolutionary change is like trusting the narcissist to never hurt you ever again.

There’s a reason why Revolution has Love spelled backwards in it.

That’s what we got to do.

But it’s not the liberal approach in my opinion where we just love and leave everything alone as single issue problems that are resolved by leaving everything alone with love.

I do feel that social justice is needed and we need to play the adult parent harder than Authority ( aka Hierarchy ) does to us.

Because the reason why evil exists is simply do to the endless tradition of authoritarian parenting. 

The answers are out there , people need to be aware and once they are awaken they need to spread the world right away.

However it can get overwhelming I know.

It’s why I made a video talking about burning out.


While I was burning out. lol

I see many great people feel this way.

Also people who are introverts and are very lonely because they just want to be with like minded people.

I do think online communities is a good idea but we need to make sure that we can filter out those hateful cyberbullies and trolls to make sure we have our “ Safe Space “ .

Peace and Love starts from Within like everything ,

A doctor can’t help a patient if the doctor is sick.

We need to be our own doctor sometimes before we can help other people.

Self Love is key. Spiritual people know this as well as Anarchists ,

When you are filled with love yourself and your life is filled with gratitude , 

Then you can be a better lightworker then you have been

Trying to gain joy from the reactions of others on and offline.

_ Erica

Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )

- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

* LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )

* Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds 

* New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth

* Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism ) 

* Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation



visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com

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 #spiritualanarchist #spiritualanarchism #lawofattraction #spirit #spirituality #soul #5DEarth #twinflame #twinflames #lightworker #oldsoul #indigo #crystal #healer #heyoka #mirrorempath #empath #empaths #infp #infps #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #libertariansocialist #libertariansocialism #anarchocommunist #anarchocommunism #ericacrooks #uncondictionallove #loveistheanswer


Posted by officialericcrooks - March 29th, 2019

My early influences into puppetry .

I meet Jane Henson once and she suggested me to make my own puppets . I was still a kid but that advice I still kept to this day and I have . :)

Muppets Tonight is still one of my all time favorites as well as a strong influence to me as an artist . It's interesting. Around the time when The Secrets of The Muppets was shown on Nickelodeon , I wanted to learn about puppeteering and everything about the behind the scenes of The Muppets , Jim Henson and the performers . And when The Wubbulous World of Dr Seuss and Muppets Tonight came out , I REALLY wanted to go on television and be a performer. :) What's interesting is Muppets Tonight ended in 1998. However something special happened to me in that year. I got a private tour of Henson Townhouse and The Muppet Workshop. :) My mother overheard someone in a Pizza polar talking about someone they knew that worked for The Jim Henson Company and my mother raced to them and told them all about me and I got in. :) I think my mother still has pictures that we've taken of us at the Henson Townhouse door. It was amazing ! They were building for " Elmo in Grouchland " at the time. And one of the tricks that I've learned when I visited there was they kept all their foam scrap in a fabricated laundry hamper trolly thing . I should do a blog post talking about it one of these days. I was 10 years old and that and going to MuppetFest was the greatest times in my life as a Muppet fan . :) And the next year In 1999 , I had an idea for a puppet comedy show and today it's a satirical web series that I'm still doing since 2006. :) Long story short , Muppets Tonight and even The Muppet Show and Dinosaurs inspired me to wanting to do my own puppet comedy show and I'm fortunate to have made my dream come true through indie film and the internet. :) _ Erica

More from Erica Crooks check out ericacrooks.com and officialericcrooks.com


Posted by officialericcrooks - March 28th, 2019

I'm a INFP Trans Woman Lesbian Anarchist Lightworker and I know that I differ from this hierarchical society which seems like extroverted sensors are the majority. I know what it's like being a social outcast . I know what it's like being socially rejected . I know what it's like to have a horrible father and a wicked step mother , and ex-friends who are antisocial narcissistic cyberbullies freaking me out so much to the point of having PTSD . But I'm still here , I'm still standing . If you have had a similar experience in this crazy world , your not alone.

I know that people will hate me because I'm different. But I like me and that's the best thing I know about and being , is me. And vise versa you as well.

Check out my related blog video. _ Erica


#infp #infps #wontbeerased #translivesmatter #lesbian #lgbt #lgbtq #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #anarchocommunist #anarchocommunism #libertariansocialist #libertariansocialism #nonconformist #lightworker #nonconforming #transwoman #transgenderwoman #MTF #selflove #lawofattraction #newthought #newage #spirituality #introvert #introverts #mbti #personalgrowth #personalitytypes


Posted by officialericcrooks - March 21st, 2019

Happy World Puppetry Day ! #worldpuppetryday #happyworldpuppetryday


Now let’s show off the best of our fabricated being friends and comrades .

The Erica Crooks Show


More Puppet Stuff


#puppets #puppetry #puppetshow #puppet #puppetvideo #puppetvideos #puppeteer #puppetbuilder #puppetmaking #puppeteering #officialericcrooks #ericacrooks #theericacrooksshow


Posted by officialericcrooks - March 20th, 2019



Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/officialericcrooks/journal/SATIRISTS-AGAINST-TRUMP-and-FASCISM-790361613

At the time I have written this , two things have happened . A racist Trump supporter has committed mass murder praising Trump’s name and Trump NOW and LITERALLY beyond my satirical work WANTS TO OUTLAW SATIRE ! Two red flags alone proving that not only is he a narcissist , sociopath , psychopath , dark triad , sadistic , fascist bully but also EVIL ! The very REASON why satirists hate him , the very reason why women who were abused by him HATE him , the very reason if his family woke up to realize they were dominated by his authoritarian abuse just like his father and just like Westboro Baptist Church they would run away and get restraining orders against him.

I never thought I see the say when this news broke out.


First of all I think like everything in media sucks today. Republicans going after liberals and Saturday Night Live ( Muppets , Robert Smigel’s Saturday TV Funhouse , Celebrity Jeopardy , Jaws going door to door and eats people and a few others ) ( which the new stuff isn’t very funny ) that’s minor compared to say Mad Magazine , South Park , Spitting Image , Ian Hislop , Les Guignols , and Anarchist satirists can do to him.

When Comparing Trump to Hitler and McCarthyism was once satire , it’s now FACT ! Trump is a fascist.

If Trump outlaws satire , then we would be entering the very fate of what the past satirists have gotten.


“ You can tell it wasn’t an age when no one was sent to the tower. If they were sent to the tower , they would still be in that tower , if not beheaded. “ Neil Kinnock talking about Spitting Image ( Best Ever Spitting Image documentary special )

So is that what Trump wants ? Us to go to the American version of the tower to be beheaded ?

Perhaps Trump needs education on the subject of SATIRE !


Or how about a lesson from Dan O’Neill

Or perhaps we should get THE ULTIMATE SATIRE to KICK TRUMP’S ASS !


“ I can out-gross Trump. “ _ Roger Law ( Spitting Image )

Trump continues being a fascist , he makes anything “ LEGAL “ 

It’s time for a social revolution !


“ Spit on your own and you can't do anything, but if you all spit together you can drown the bastards - Bob Crow “

When the people are united , we can not be defeated.

Ok folks , so I seem all spiritual and passive in my videos. Well that’s my soul . And so is the liberation.

TRUMP is clearly against people like me ! Leftists and Minorities ! ALL RIGHT WING ARE FASCISTS !

If I were go to jail , it might as well for being a satirist ! I go down with my ship. That’s my direct action.

They can throw me in an electric hair , I go down with my ship .

Trump is asking for a social revolution , Trump is asking for trouble.




_ Erica


#trump #satire #satirist #satiric #satiristsagainsttrump #unitetheleft #anarchist #anarchy #anarchism #unitetheleft #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #impeachtrump #impeachtrumpnow #ericacrooks #officialericcrooks #liberation #lovevshate #lovevsfear #loveistheanswer #makeartnotwar #artshoulddisturbthecomfortableandcomfortthedisturbed #powertothepeoplenotthepeopleinpower #anarchynothierarchy #rightwingisacrimeagainsthumanity #anarchist #anarchists #goodpeopledisobeybadlaws #Thepeopleunitedwillneverbedefeated #politics #revolution

Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )

- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

* LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )

* Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds 

* New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth

* Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism ) 

* Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation



visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com

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Posted by officialericcrooks - February 18th, 2019

Ok , so I’ve been feeling kind of sick and down this weekend. And whenever I do , it doesn’t stop my intuition one bit. One time I did a blog video which I had to end up turning into an audio blog video because ooze kept dripping from my nose. Technically and to be honest , I tend to feel much better with the written blogs than I do with the video blogs. I work two ways. Sometimes I just have an idea that I know needs to be heard ASAP and that part of me that needs to keep reminding myself quality over quantity , then I spend more time in developing the idea and sort of abandon the idea.

Anyway. There’s a thing called The Dark Night of The Soul . Perhaps all high vibrational empaths and lightworkers get it from time to time. If I’m understanding it right , it feels like a depression but it’s not about you. 

In many of my previous blog videos and articles , I talked about a problem that I kept seeing in the spiritual community which was on the lines of more individual self concern and screw collective self concern. Bob Proctor for example can teach wonderful wisdom and recommend lots of great books relating to self-esteem and law of attraction. Including the stickman theory.

However he’s pro-capitalist. Likewise there’s some Anarchists out there that dismiss not only Law of Attraction as hierarchical bunk but also “ All Conspiracists are Bastards “.

The thing I keep addressing is , someone can teach the same thing and unconsciously apply their political ideology in it. It doesn’t matter if someone is apolitical because politics are going to reflect someone’s personality type ( MBTI ) .

For me , I became an Anarchist in 2017. Before I was just left wing. Sometimes I agreed with liberals , democrats , ( right wing ) libertarians , etc. 

A thought I had on my mind since around the time I made the video INFP Earth Angel was is certain personality types more closer to the spiritual world like INFPs and some related personality types where others were molded due to the effect of authoritarian and or centrist parenting ? What’s interesting is my father was so authoritarian , reactionary , however he didn’t seem to be very involved in fundamentalist religion ( Christian Right for example ) . But has quietly admitted that he was republican but didn’t bother talking a whole lot about it to me.

He was a very prejudice bastard. He thought Gay men rape other men when you weren’t looking so keep a good eye on them. Which of course is a bunch of homophobic nonsense. I can see two men kissing and holding hands and all I see is two adults in love , that’s all.

Just because I’m a Trans-woman doesn’t mean anything other than that. Besides , I’m a lesbian.

So welcome to my perception on life. IF no one is hurting themselves or others , no problem.

Love is the answer. Love is so simple. Anarchism relates to all of this. 5D Earth will bring about all of this just as long as we have love in our hearts and higher vibrations which such Law of Attraction will act like a collective for the rest of the planet which all forms of evil and negativity inward and outward would disappear. Arts and history I hope stay interacted so we can learn and appreciate what existed before. Love is stronger than hate and fear. Even though Evil thinks it’s stronger , if that’s so true than how come narcissists can’t feel love , they just hum a few bars and fake it. They fear of feeling vulnerable to love. They associate vulnerability with weakness. No wonder Right Wing calls Lefties “ Crybabies “ , they would rather play Kyle kicking Ike from South Park ( aka Kick The Baby - that’s from episode 1 “ Cartman gets an Anal Probe “ ) then realize that our age is only our body and it’s effects on 3D Earth.

We are taught such rubbish like cartoons and puppets is kids stuff , Adults are meant to be fearful and boring and angry wrecks because that’s normal , act your age , all this rubbish , forget about it. You need to cry then cry. 

When we break down in vulnerable relaxness and cry when we see something so beautiful , especially when our throats tighten up , that’s the soul wanting to come out of your tight fisted mode within your body and mind . 

Fear is filled with lies. Republicans and Right Wing people are not more relaxed than the left. 

Accepting life as it is isn’t the answer. Meditating and getting your mind off of it for awhile is a better way to go about it when your so uptight !

Where we go with people arguing and fighting. As a satirist , cartoonist , puppeteer , humorist , I’m technically mocking such ignorance in this world because WE DO NOT NEED TO FIGHT AT ALL ! We need to wake up and see who’s been tying our shoelaces together and see their motivations.

Either we unite peacefully or we can kiss each other goodbye , in the very words of Noam Chomsky . The 1960s were on the right page for many reasons , same with the Spanish Civil War from 1936 - 1939 . The people united and they had enough.

However we fear what we do not understand. We need to question everything in which shows and proves that we live in this world of love vs fear , love heals / fear kills .

There could be spiritual people and anarchists fighting amongst one another of who is right and who is wrong. I say many can unite because such theories are related.

But perhaps it’s not the who because nothing changes except the names but the what which is hierarchy , and expression of hate , and expression of fear.

If you look at human fears as a whole , you can find out the motivations of the worst people of humanity because they are filled with the most fear.

Therefore the control freaks ! We live in this world where people don’t have time to care about anyone else but themselves. They are always seeking what good would this do me.

Surprisingly enough , everything and beyond !

We may be all different but on a soul level we are all the same.

Love can bring everything together where Fear can create the hellish dystopia aka The New World Order. So what if Heaven & Hell isn’t somewhere people go when they die ?

What if the afterlife is basically a soul collective of many dimensions . 

What if where the building spot for Heaven or Hell is a fight over planet Earth ?

It all depends on what power gets stronger and it’s not outside of us , it starts with the power of the inside out instead of the outside in.

We all find peace inwardly within ourselves and the more people do this , then such peace will manifest in such a collective of like minded higher souls , then fear has no choice but to give up. Such Ego is very outward and filled with illusions of wanting to gain power over everyone , everywhere and everything using fear as a tool because they themselves feel powerless.

Awareness is not fear mongering , it’s an expression of love.

_ Erica

If you enjoyed this , make sure to like , subscribe , click on the notification bell , etc

Check out more from Erica Crooks ( me )

- Hilarious puppet and cartoon dark comedy , parodies , satire , slapstick humor for adults

- Personality Type Science , mostly INFP

  • LGBTQ+ activism ( Especially Transgender Lesbians )
  • Empath : Twin Flames , Lightworker , Heyoka , Old Soul , Indigo / Crystal , Starseeds 
  • New Age / New Thought Spirituality From Law of Attraction to 5D Earth
  • Libertarian Socialist Anarchism ( Cultural / Pacifism ) 
  • Pop Culture Reviews / Comic Con / Puppets and Cartoon Animation


visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites :

Personal Website : ericacrooks.com

Official Website for The Erica Crooks Show : officialericcrooks.com

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 #lightworker #lightworkers #infp #infps #empath #indigo #crystal #starseed #starseed #highervibration #lowervibration #5DEarth #spiritualenergy #spiritual #spirituality #heavenonearth #peaceonearth #newage #newthought #lawofattraction #twinflame #twinflames #ericacrooks #psychic #thenewworldorder #newworldorder #illuminati #lovehealsfearkills #goodvsevil #lovevsfear #soulvsego


Posted by officialericcrooks - February 2nd, 2019

For those who don't already know this ,
I've added a new feature to my social media lately.
Not necessarily just my content but for fair use educational purposes ( obviously ;) ) 
For those who want to learn more about what I do and talk about , I've put together some links and resources of my favorites from websites , memes , videos , etc
NWO Conspiracy Theories
Puppetry / Animation / indie filmmaking
To stuff I find funny ;D lol
Check them out right here.
Remember , the mind is power. :) _ Erica
Favorite YouTube Videos
#education #indiefilm #independentfilm #independentfilmmaking #mbti #myersbriggs #infp #infps #puppetry #cartooning #animation #antifa #antifascism #anarchism #newage #newthought #spirituality 
#satire #funny #darkcomedy #educationalresources #introvert #introverts #intuition #intuitive #intuitives #nwo #newworldorder #thenewworldorder #illuminati

